
Saturday, August 21, 2010


I am sure when you were going through a job interview you were asked “what were your responsibilities and what was your salary?” I’m also sure that instinctively you inflated the figure and ardently elaborated how you were the glue that held it together for whom so ever you worked for!

Now if it also suited the employer then guess what all is good! If it did not and you were a struggling underdog hoping to get a home loan approval you would never get any respect rather humiliation for your honesty! Isn’t it weird that when you have a full hand how people try to loan you money? IF your cards are down and the concept is fantastic then you get nothing more than a handshake as you are walked out of the door by security.

Look at our society today, when you leave the house you put on your best smile and whistle on the way to work as you are expecting to have a good day. On the way back you’re ready to run over anyone that comes in your way. And the world stinks most of all you lost the faith that you woke up with about humanity. To further add to my justification on the frustration felt by those who are trying to lead honest lives take a look at our political system. Before and after a politician stands for office we do everything if not even physically try to destroy them as we feel that they are the worst vampires around. However in government we support them and the brotherhood syndrome comes about.

Also we love to sit down and claim that we know the world and are notorious for being related to the entire population of this country as long as they are of some plastic significance to society. The minute we have no need for them in our lives we don’t keep quite rather assassinate them (but only behind closed doors)

Lastly if you drive a car have you noticed that all the beggar boys and girls with wipers and plastic bottles or crutches have almost vanished from the street light signals which they bought! The reason is that their mafia found greener pastures in looting and pillaging in the villages where you are sending aide. Just think the common hari or farmer is innocent of city crime yet aid trucks are being looted and people beaten up. Those who are the real victims have not yet come out of shock and are still trying to draw invisible lines in the water where their home once stood. In reality this brutal beggars mafia has moved to loot those who have nothing.

Today I think we should leave honesty and integrity in our suitcases as people only want to hear what they want to hear. The common man alone, forget the politician finds any form of truth unbearable. Now that a disaster had hit us we need to re-establish those bonds of trust within our country that we ignored. In the rebuilding process(healing) we need to start from the grass roots and acknowledge that as we are re-building a nation then the ideology behind the bricks and mortar has to be based on establishing the old school principle of honesty and integrity.
Right now all the masses are looking for sanctuary as this disaster has left their faith in everything very tarnished. People need to be educated how to trust each other and look forward to a better form of living… I end this article with a question… How are you doing your bit to make a change as you tell your friends over a latte and a cigar?

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I have been told that I am a very good salesman and I love the thrill of the kill which would have made me perfect for this task… I tend to disagree… I support companies or organizations that are good to their word believe in good values and want to do something purely because they are passionate about it… The ethos which formed the organization is honest. Qatar Airways / Telenor and Pepsi Cola are a few of the organizations that I can openly and honestly support because they know what good business is all about…

When you owe someone a favor then you better be prepared for anything as you don’t know what they could ask you for… Even Mario Puzo wrote down words that went down in history… “It’s Only business! But one day I will ask a favor of you and that day our score will be settled! (THE GOD FATHER) That is what happened to me… Finally I can breathe a sigh of relief as an organization to which I was indebted for its support came calling at my door. The favor was fundraising for this organization which mind you is an international registered charity that has proven its self when Pakistan was struck by the earthquake…

I am not the most diplomatic brown nosing mega freak who will give in to the norms of society. I am brutally arrogant and have a big yuck fou on my forehead to anyone who I feel is a bully. I am opinionated and very passionately aggressive in all the few million of the things I do. I hate hypocrisy and am quick to retort when there is any form of injustice… So in short I am not the best FUNDS RAISER… never the less I was successful at raising over eighteen thousand dollars but t he following is a series of observations that I have made over the past 72 hours of FUND RAISING… This article was going to be named “The profit in charity!” but then I realized that I was the wrong man for the right job… My reasons are explained below…

1. There is real profit in charity - people have lost their faith in giving to a good cause because there are so many of them out there (this was told to me by a cheeky pothead sales manager for a telco)
2. People have lost their faith in general - By the time the amount gets to those who need it the donor would have given enough to feed an army for a week but the recipients might be lucky to get used toothpicks
3. Also those who are bored start up their own ventures and God only knows if the intentions are true
4. Those who wanted recognition were giving to a cause in order to score points with God only knows whom.
5. People do not know where or who to give money to…. (please find a list of organizations who are good to their word and very credible as they have the resources to provide aid)


I would like to share some advice with you…
• Please do not give money or any funds to anyone who you know will not be able to give you a receipt (donations are tax deductible) and someone who is not a registered charity…
• Don’t give you pierre cardin sweaters away or your Louis vitton bags give the most valuable thing you have today and that is time…
• Be involved and before you become a complete Muslim from the first of Ramadan take time to find humility….
• If you have donated in any way then simply say no to those who shirk your feelings of trust

Jinnah Gandhi Martin Luther King even Dr. Muhammad Younus all had a vision just like us… The only thing is they had faith which helped make a vision into reality… Faith is a strong thing become a true believer – not with your atm card but with each second you can spare…

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One needs to understand a few things first before I delve into my ramblings of the subject above. 

Let’s begin with the current Pakistani situation – Our perfect little world is depressed an upset!  Violent crime is on an increase out of necessity and not fun, teenage pregnancies are causing bumps in our social standing as we have no time to listen to the problems of our daughters, The youth has delved its self into chemical recreation and the average adolescent child has the ability to graduate into his or her teenage years as a fully competent alchemist… Just like ghouls in a cheap horror flick the masses have no home and the primary industry upon which Pakistan relied has been brought down to its knees.  Inflation is on a rise and our basic requirements in life like cigarettes, petrol, condoms, fermented beverages along with wheat barley and rice are on a ridiculous increase…

Ok if that was bad then let’s consider how our Human Nature will react to this.   Today when we see an accident on a busy road we slow down to see if we can only see if anyone is hurt and hopefully a gory blood filled accident or a broken limb will suffice for us to slow down and stop traffic.  If not then the misery of watching a good stickup will substitute and our way of reacting will be with a disapproving “tsk tsk how sad and unfortunate” statement.   Bottom line we are predators in the hunt for any news or a situation that would be so bad that it would throw the focus of our own miseries…

Basically we are in a war – a losing jihad against ourselves… the reason is because no one educated us how to deal with chaos and society never allowed us the luxury of finding the time to plan or sit in a class room that taught us how to accept responsibility for our actions.  Today as we battle our own demons we have successfully managed to destroy what we once prided in which were family values with hidden agendas and open honesty we traded in for a quick fix commission…

Ok now that we are in a war let’s look at what makes a great Warrior – Starting with Ghengis Khan I would like to quote what he used to tell his opponents “ I am the wrath of God!  You must have done something terrible for him to have sent a punishment like me upon you!” Alright, now take a peek at Aristotle “We make war that we may live in peace!” and if we look at the Chinese then Mao was right when he said “Civilize the mind but make savage the body”.  That is exactly what the Chinese did – found humility and make factory upon factory to mass produce anything that the west invented at a billionth the cost…

In order to become a brilliant warrior one has to understand also the tranquility found within the insanity of a suicide bomber before the destruction occurs.  One needs to understand how the samurai and the mughals fought with respect honor and dignity.  If you really want to become a great warrior then the greatest achievement you will have will be the glory of those you don’t know coming to pay homage to you at your funeral.  Messed up huh!  Warriors like Benazir got they glory once six feet under…  Ok so now you don’t want the glory – listen if you want to go to heaven then you HAVE to die!  I have not met one suicide bomber or warrior of any kind who sent me a text message from above stating that life rocks and its much more than 72 that we promised…  also my lexus never runs out of gas and I can fly as I now have wings…  Bottom line my Pakistani citizen is that you need to have faith in order to be a great warrior.  To end this tangent I would like to quote sean connery who said in the rock “ losers are everywhere – winners go home and bang the prom queen”.

You have to understand that in order to be the best warrior and to survive in the madness that surrounds you in your corporate world that before you put on your knock off ties and assume another personality that surrounds you that

Let's be professional friends - (please see my reccomendations) -

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