
Monday, February 6, 2023




Everyone desires, money, success, prosperity, wealth and most of all financial stability.  People only seek alternative revenue incomes outside their own comfort-zones when situations become unfavorable for them to earn a stable income in their own home countries.
The many global factors and changes in business dynamics including the ever-increasing cost of goods sold and unstable returns on existing business have made the job markets very unstable and volatile. 
In the past year alone, (2022) there has been a huge cross border migration by many entrepreneurs, technocrats, & professionals seeking better income from foreign market potentials.
If you desire to have the same then you are not alone.  This guide will help you in establishing your own company set-up in a foreign country.  Clearly mapped out in this post are the do’s and what you should be aware of before you decide to venture forth.  If you need any further clarity then you can visit my own consulting website that further defines many factors that you will seek clarity for. –

The Benefits

If you establish your own company outside your home country then you automatically gain an international status.
Professionally, you do get the financial respect that you should deserve because most foreign economies value time over money so all you need to do is work smart vs. work hard.
Your income potential is more stable and appreciated with direct payments in foreign exchange that do not affect your existing tax status in your own home country. 
You further have the ability to reside and work in a more stable economy and environment that will support you in more ways than economically.


The grass always looks greener on the other side.  Do not go for a quick fix option!  Quick money, can cost you a lot and quick income goes quickly.  When considering another country to establish your business always make sure you look at what the negatives are and when and where you will get stuck. 
Many countries present illusions of wealth through illusions and dreams stating that the investment you will make will better your life.  In reality there is always some catch (where they  have the upper hand) and you as a foreigner are weaker when it comes to any form of disagreement. 
If you are having a hard time in your own country you need to understand that global economies have changed and so have earning potentials.  Every country is a sovereign nation that is meant to serve its own citizens alone.  
People seek alternative nationalities not realizing that nothing comes for free and there is a cost involved in some way somehow.
This latest marketing gimmick used by many countries of selling passports and citizenships may promise you immense fortune but you should always ask your self “why would a nation sell it’s own citizenship if it is doing so well economically and has financial stability?” 
Before deciding on a country to venture into to set-up your own company, or even a job, always look at the emotional, and mental cost as well not just the financial costs involved.

Before you decide the country

Constitutions & the laws that define what you can and cannot do of a country are always formed upon common sense and the local culture and not emotions or desires of the wealthy.  
Laws are created to protect the country’s own citizens and not the world.  The country ensures that its legal system will also support its culture.  For example, if you work in the GCC region or a country that follows Islamic ideologies then know this that you will have to deal with a dual legal system that will involve the Islamic Shariah law as well.
This can be quite confusing for many people when they need legal help or have any problems.  GCC economies like the UAE that promise you a better life or future, in reality make your rent a life of insecurity where the locals always hold the power to decide your future depending upon their mood or emotions at the time.
Before you decide the country you want to relocate your business or job life to always ensure that you clearly understand the civil and the penal code of the country.  If it has a Shariah law attached then please also ensure you find an accurate translation and spend money on a lawyer that can and will explain everything to you clearly.

What you should NOT do! 

When you decide on a country, do NOT go for the cheap quick option like a local partner.  The seven deadly sins always hurt us and since people have emotions, when it comes to business greed, and vanity always hurt earning potentials for all. 
You might be required to pay a fee as these locals don’t really work and have a lot of companies they sponsor to get their own earnings from and only value money and have no regard for humans in reality. 
As longa s you keep up your payments to work, you are fine.  If you go broke, they simply jail and then humiliate you by deporting you.
If you start making a lot of money, your local that you pay money to, will automatically show up at your door to get his or her own bigger share from the work you will do! 
So, pay more & secure your own future as an independent entity and do not go with a local partner.
Avoid economies where corruption is normal.  Once you give a bribe, you always have to pay because greed has no end to it.  There is corruption in every economy and country whether you like it or not.  You just need to know which country will suit you best and be the lesser of all evils presented to you.  

The Reality!

If you desire a place in heaven upon death, then you yourself have to actually die for it! 
Nothing in life is easy, but you can learn from the experience (mistakes) of others and ensure you know what NOT to do and what you should expect. 
There is no place like home, but when in Rome, do as the Romans do and leave your old habits of the culture you come from back home and do not carry them with you. 
One should always retain the base values they were brought up with that are positive, however understand that no matter what your destiny (future) has been written by God, only you decide your own fate, through the decisions you will make. 
Good luck and I wish you well!  If you would like any further, help or advice, do see my website – 
If you would like to chat and directly understand the good, the bad and costs involved or need more clarity, then talk is free so e-mail me and let’s set up a time to help you out! 

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! – (Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations)  
I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -
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