
Friday, January 4, 2019

LinkedIn Social Etiquettes

LinkedIn Social Etiquette’s

Today the TWO most precious commodities are information & time whether you like it or not!  People get so much information thrown at them in their personal and professional lives that they are overwhelmed and unable to manage time!  People are posting jobs on Facebook, selling toys and undergarments on linked in and using twitter to fabricate false news.  The rise of this new age so called digital era that we live in has blurred all the lines for social etiquette that one must follow. 

Social media is a remarkable platform to be able to achieve anything!  LinkedIn is a powerful platform and tool and if you can understand how to use it properly then on a profession al front you will never go hungry again. In this article / blog I would like to help by giving a few pointers out to you the reader on how to maximize your efficiency on LinkedIn as a professional and help you stand out and be taken more seriously!

Your LinkedIn Profile

Your profile is your visiting card online and can also be used in reality rather than wasting paper and printing one since the world is digital.  You should invest time on your profile and make sure that it is factual and accurate.  Leave out any form of ambiguity and any form of elaborated truths because the worst thing about telling a lie is having to remember the details later if and when questioned  (example – if you worked in a third party call center as an agent for a mobile carrier then state just that and do not state that you worked for the mobile carrier)  

Ensure you provide as much professional relevant information you can about your achievements in the form of online links and supporting evidence of what you have already achieved and can deliver.  Leave out the promises that you want the reader to see and keep it concise and factual.  Long drawn stories are something that audiences do not really have time for and if facts are not presented to people they will simply walk away and move on to another task they will find more productive.

Kindly make sure you have a professional picture of your self rather than one taken of a recreation social media site because what looks good sell!  Ensure that people can put a face to the profile and when making your cover page you should edit the image to display your professional aspirations NOT social hobbies.

You are reading this text as what I am saying is common sense and not filled with false promises because you like the average reader has information on their finger tips and wants straightforward value for time or money.  The minute you wont get that you will move on.
Do not get a professional author to write your content for you as you need to sell yourself so believe in your present self and make several drafts, editing them properly until you can effectively communicate your best attributes.

How to build your audience on LinkedIn

Do not add people because they have impressive titles and in their credentials they state big brand employers they might work for.  One of the most irritating things that serious LinkedIn users like myself get are spam messages from people soliciting business online without understanding their target audience.  What you need to do is ensure you read another persons profile very carefully and the understand them very well online before you add them.  It is good to have professional dialogs with people before just adding them and then to find out that they are also as desperate as yourself. 
The point here is that no form of audience is  built over night and LinkedIn online respect is earned so you should not think that you can just click your way to success.  You need to invest time and understand that networking is all about investing quality time on dialogs rather than quantity messaging people randomly whilst fishing for a job or opportunity!

People look at what you post and what content you share so make sure that you share or post your messages carefully and avoid spam and any form of vulgarity.  If you are looking for a jb then please note that since your profile is online you must also be having other accounts on other platforms that are open to recruiters as well so make sure you tidy those up as well because you may present your self as a professional pastor on LinkedIn but your other accounts might give the image that you lead an alternate lifestyle that potential client or a future employer might not agree with.

Rather than targeting individuals, I would like to suggest that you use the forums and groups that linked in has for like minded people with like minded interests that you might have and share content with your audience there.  People will connect with you and that organic growth will be more fruitful than just spamming people directly. 

Online to Paper to online is a great way to increase your audience.  I would recommend you write your LinkedIn profile / ID on your written printed communication like business cards and also include it in your email signature.  It will also help you to have a dedicated visiting card made with your name a picture of yourself and only your linked in profile. Nothing more!   Keep it short simple and factual!  If people look you up you have their time and seriousness!

Lastly follow people who inspire you and see what their audiences are talking about, add factual value and not rhetoric. Engage in meaningful dialogs, when people see you are genuinely trying to add value – they automatically respect your input and respect leads to opportunities and jobs etc.   

Is a paid account worth it on LinkedIn?

I have had both and I have had much more success using a free account!  If you are a serial job hunter or desperate marketeer then you might just want to use such an account but I recommend these paid accounts for HR professionals only who need mass volumes of data to earn a living!

LinkedIn is a great platform to professionally network and appreciate your professional life – All you need to do is understand your own limitations and accept its culture! 

If you found value in this article / blog – please like / share it with all you know and do tag me!  If you want any help or advice then look me up on LinkedIn and connect with me here –

Thank you

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