
Sunday, August 11, 2024





As a consultant that has been selling passports, citizenships, relocations & retirement options to people for over a decade this is my realistic evaluation of the global economy where it stands today from a brutally hyper-realistic perspective.


The first one we all know about is based upon the US Dollar that is widely accepted and known.  This however is an extremely unreliable husband for any economist because it is the definition of instability as far as a trading denomination is concerned.

If we delve into the factors behind this instability the reasons as well as the spheres of influence then a realization will hit you that this impact has affected the entire global economy.

The US Dollar used as an international trading value is the predominant currency to trade for oil.  When its value instability de-rails itself persistently, a direct impact hits upon an already strained trying to develop third world that exists upon loans and sanctions already as the IMF, the World Bank and the ADB which are the three predominant lending bodies have to revise everything all over again.

The kneejerk reaction of these changes directly is passed onto the citizens of these developing 3rd world nations in the form of additional taxation laws and tariffs etc.  

The impact of this has led to the citizens encouraging bribery etc. and also a break down of civil morale and also loss in civic values and civil unrest.

This Western based US Dollar dependent economy’s stability relies on religious and political stability that can and will never happen due to many reasons.

Should you ask me to delve into the reasons. then as we are discussing the US Dollar based economy, I would like to reserve my right to exercise & plead the 5th Amendment of the United States Constitution itself.


The APAC-ASEAN Region is extremely secure as in 2006 Brazil, Russia, India & China formed conglomerate that was taken not so seriously. In 2010 South Africa joined them solidifying and establishing not only trade routes but easier inter trading policies and laws circumventing the US Dollar slowly and thus B.R.IC.S. was established.

Initially, it was not taken seriously, but as it grew external factors tried to derail it several times but were unsuccessful as their own treasuries and gold reserves were pledged to these countries.

So, everyone knows that nobody will press the “N” switch and wars are expensive.  Should a war happen then the end result will be further financial loss and strain upon the economies and people and now the bitter pill of reality is taking effect where a brutal realization is before everyone that one needs to think of a mindful alternative other than violence when the monster is within the confines of your own homes.

At the end of the day one thing that unites ALL the members of the BRICS consortium is that each and every country has either had a history of inbred socialism (loyalty to the motherland, to their family and to their Gods’. That’s’ it!)

The western and middle-east world maintained the instability and volatility drama but, the B.R.I.C.S consortium stayed out of their affairs and focused upon themselves.

They used legal methods and the western and middle-east investment and immigration laws and their arsenal was an extremely strong code of ethics, a drive instilled to succeed at any cost legally and honestly & be true to their cultures.  Almost every city in the world that has a tourist destination has a China Town and or a Korea Town (Hello!)

The final touch that enabled them to get this far has been an extremely strong education enforced since birth covering mathematics, and other subjects of value for a person to survive in the world of tomorrow based upon humble common sense.

Buddhism, Communism & Hinduism all derive that to attain nirvana one must alleviate themselves from any and all forms of material attachments.  The countries that predominate the B.R.IC.S. agreement have these philosophies instilled in them and can never be corrupted or taken out from them.

We all know that the MENA Region as well as most of the quickly emerging previously silent billionaires are mostly Russian, Chinese and the odd Indian Heavy Hitters that spend 200 million US on the matrimonial celebrations of their child.

One also has to consider their real-estate holdings and investments into blue-chip western companies via their other investment portfolios.


Today, the APAC-ASEAN Region is the most secure economy to invest in. It independently trades within its self in the in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Russian & even Indian currencies.  It has managed to gain an upward unstoppable trajectory of independence from the US Dollar based alternative.

If you are considering investing in this region then please look at Thailand.  Due to Thai Airways gigantic constantly upgraded fleet this is a travel hub and the second largest rapidly growing Tourist destination.

Similar, but less painful than your MENA options the long-stay visa processes are tailored to suit the youth (technocrats) as well as taxation policies and laws that enable people to succeed rather than live the dream of pay as you go.

Based upon the beliefs of Buddhism the country is humble and accepting of diversity of all kinds and is a favorable destination for the middle-east as the second most widely practiced beliefs in Thailand are those of Islam.  The culinary choices are wide and diverse (even Halal)


Well, if you agree with the synopsis presented to you and would like advice on what to do next, then please send me an e-mail on the contact information provided. 

I provide a complete overview for the specific client of where they stand socially (market acceptance) a quick response measure to curtail the immediate problem at hand and then a strategy to reduce their C.O.G.S and present a realistic rapid upward trajectory as far as their revenue goes and a sustained ROI (with time-frames attached)

As an international consultant I charge a fee (up-front) for my professional services and those fees are bespoke as my services are custom tailored to meet the needs of each and every client specifically.

If you are worried then please note that your doctor or lawyer does exactly the same! (Only my fees and charges are excellent value for money and give no false hopes only a hyper-reality to you!


  1. Please do not ask me to get you customers, clients or sales (replace your own business development team for that)
  2. My team & I do not work on commissions at all – Only Retainers (Payable in advance)
  3. Any and all work that will be approved to be executed by my team will be done through legally recognized & fully accredited third-party lawyers, accountants, financial house that I have worked with during my 34 years of experience.


The competition doesn’t scare me at all and they have  right to whatever they may claim, but if you have the patience then I can only make two promises to you!

  1. I will NOT waste my own “TIME” of yours.
  2. I won’t LIE to you. – (It waste’s time!)

Bottom line – ‘People’ run businesses & ‘People’ matter the most & I & my team understand people!

Contact me if you would like a specific evaluation on how to increase your own company’s efficiency & increase your ROI.

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

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For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail

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