
Saturday, August 10, 2024




THE PAST (Covid-19)

After the great plague of the 19th century, the world never imagined that it would have to face another horrifying and scary similar situation. Sadly, it did!  The global economies were in a regressive state and the cost-of-living was highly unaffordable but people were somehow, making ends meet.

A clear definition had already presented itself where either you had money or didn’t’!  The middle-class got crushed in the middle as most people before the Pandemic were already living over-extended lives financially.

As the global circular debt skyrocketed, financial institutions started pressing its borrowers much harder to honor their paybacks.  To make matters much worse most government bodies globally that were in their own survival-mode started imposing ridiculous taxation policies that they justified through their own legal systems.

We all know what happened and the financial chaos that destroyed families, homes, business verticals that were somewhat stable at one point.


THE REACTION (Post Covid-19)

For a few months the entire world sat in the confines of their own homes frustrated out of their minds, their cabin-fever grew and faced further dismay when globally across the spectrum every business started to cut the fat.

People were jobless, & technology was the key element to nurture or so they thought!  The norm of going into work had become something nobody wanted to entertain again as it was cheaper to keep the address of the office for cosmetic and legal purposes and only a skeleton staff that was essential such as Finance / Accounting, Human Resources etc.

The world lost its focus on the value of people and every company rapidly liquidated all their depreciating moveable assets.  They took the funds and re-invested in mobile technology such as laptops, smart-phones & even paid for their retained employees to work from home.

And a new work-force culture known as ‘Remote Employees’ emerged.  As the Pandemic started winding down and people started venturing out from the confines of their homes people realized that there were jobs but the number of applicants were unimaginable.

Another hard realty that people faced was that, their employers had lost any and all form of empathy & sympathy and there was no more job security.  People that embellished IVY league degrees all of a sudden were too expensive emotionally and financially and there were more practical resources that had street-credibility and didn’t rely upon theoretical knowledge alone.

The Remote Work environment branched off into what we call Digital Nomads (Pirates) who would work for multiple employers to get the higher ticket salary to feed and support their families.

The word ethics in business became vague and the financial world started pushing products and services to this new work force that was actually able to afford it.


The world of travel (not talking about Tourism only Aviation) had taken a massive hit and what the biggest sector at one time now had further paybacks to make to anyone that had wet-leased their aircrafts to them.

Another bitter pill the entire industry had to swallow was to make good on all the tickets and bookings that they had pre-sold, taken money for, but were unable to deliver.  As the Pandemic hit and everyone was confined in the prisons of their homes the industry responded to the courts that fine print the customers had agreed to were also subject to one reason alone that stood between them and the refund which no court could challenge when customers wanted refunds – “Protection of one clause only that an act of God in the case services are not provided shall deem the refund questionable & the provider may extend services when possible!”

As the airlines started pulling out their aircrafts from the storage graveyards & refurbishing them for travel again people reluctantly under strict protocols started travelling again slowly & at first domestic travel was secured new protocols were defined to meet with the times such as quarantines.

People we so heavily over taxed that older generation that was wealthy just sat to enjoy what they had and kept a very miserly and conservative approach to their spend denomination.

These new army of Digital Nomads that had the cash to travel had discovered ways of avoiding paying taxes legally and established themselves in new economies that offered those that could affords it, the same if not better quality of life, a fantastic atmosphere and an environment that provided excellent value for money.

All these Technocrat Digital Nomads found legal alternative methods of payment such as digital wallets, crypto etc. and the companies they worked for were even more happy to pay for these resources as it helped them with their own book keeping in the end.

So now the work-force has no loyalty, the circular debt is globally rising and most or the west and middle-east markets depend upon a very volatile fluctuating US Dollar variance. Due to many protocols to prevent money-laundering no matter what any government did, it could NOT take the sugar out of the coffee that this powerful global workforce was newly used to & getting more and more addictied to.  

Globally, as of June 30th 2024 as the fiscal year was closed on the books, it was not at all alarming to see the horror within most Banking & Finance houses as well as Insurance companies that were stuck in the old conventional ways and bound by strict policies, when they realized that their own balance sheets were somehow or somewhere in the red and these sadly needed to be written off.

Their cost of recovery of bad debts would further push them deeper into the red on further depreciating numbers.  The Board of Directors understood that they could not open automotive dealerships - real estate companies - auction houses etc because they had no experience and there was no buying power across the entire markets.

They won’t admit it, so let’s apply common sense here, all these banks & financial institutions had debts not paid to them, and in turn their own holding were at risk as the stock markets would take a lot of time to hit that desired mark on the index for them to recover that lost equity.

To make matters worse internally, their cost of operations was ridiculously high and yet they could not let their people go and were under further scrutiny by their own governments respective state banks. 

Further to that during this period bankers broke their own loyalty to the bank oath and could not care less about any NDA’s or conflict of interest and started side hustles, first within the banking sector such as facilitating RMA’s / RWA’s (for a side fee).  At first it was hush-hush but as we sit upon today it’s a different loyalty NOT reality, and that is to getting as much cash as they can personally! 

Necessity they say is the mother of invention so presently, if you know someone who knows someone who knows someone then, at the right cost normal procedures will happen more easily and painlessly. 

Wait! Did you think I was talking about BRIBERY?  Nope, not at all!  People simply got motivated and started working honestly when they got the financial respect they deserved.

Oddly enough please study or google about taking bribes in Japan within the Government sector alone and then I would like to know how you think?

The mistake the industry had made was to push products and services onto an entire new genre of people that had emerged that were armed with technical skills and the resources to get better options & also the rise of new out of direct banking solutions that were secured.


Well, if you agree with the synopsis presented to you and would like advice on what to do next, then please send me an e-mail on the contact information provided.  

I provide a complete overview for the specific client of where they stand socially (market acceptance) a quick response measure to curtail the immediate problem at hand and then a strategy to reduce their C.O.G.S and present a realistic rapid upward trajectory as far as their revenue goes and a sustained ROI (with time-frames attached)

As an international consultant I charge a fee (up-front) for my professional services and those fees are bespoke as my services are custom tailored to meet the needs of each and every client specifically.

If you are worried then please note that your doctor or lawyer does exactly the same! (Only my fees and charges are excellent value for money and give no false hopes only a hyper-reality to you!


Please do not ask me to get you customers, clients or sales (replace your own business development team for that)

My team & I do not work on commissions at all – Only Retainers (Payable in advance)

Any and all work that will be approved to be executed by my team will be done through legally recognized & fully accredited third-party lawyers, accountants, financial house that I have worked with during my 34 years of experience.


The competition doesn’t scare me at all and they have  right to whatever they may claim, but if you have the patience then I can only make two promises to you!

I will NOT waste my own “TIME” of yours.

I won’t LIE to you. – (It waste’s time!)

Bottom line – ‘People’ run businesses & ‘People’ matter the most & I & my team understand people!

Contact me if you would like a specific evaluation on how to increase your own company’s efficiency & increase your ROI.

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

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For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail

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