
Tuesday, August 13, 2024



Advance Apology!

The subject at hand is a serious matter, therefore the tone is formal- NOT rude!


Amyn has relocated to many regions on the planet and whatever the reasons may have been he has had to rebuild his entire life from scratch and having done this process in Malaysia in 2011 (that is how he knows all the Tech junkies in the Dell & HP manufacturing plants in Cyber-Jaya personally & all the wholesale distributors in Low-Yat Plaza.)  Once the employer kept playing games with Amyn, he walked away.

Then, again Amyn tried for a second time again in the GCC region’s sexiest hottest everything is so wonderful and shiny city in 2014.  After trying very hard to succeed when he felt threatened, he simply walked out as he got tired of the greedy attitudes of people trying to get a further tan sitting on a camel in the desert that have wrapped themselves in fancy bathrobes and towels on their heads.  If you don’t pay what the local wants, you get locked up??? The subliminal racism was too much for anyone.  

For a third time in Brazil in 2016 “Se Mi Habla Espanol, Cabrone, Mi Comprende Mucho se Me Halbla Mucho, Denada!” as well as "Ciao bella Creatura, Un giorno mi amerai perché sono così Professionale!”, Amyn was unable to survive. (Due to his over-confidence and his attitude that he knew everything!)

Again, Amyn had to re-build his entire life from scratch under duress in the United Kingdom in 2016 towards the end as Brazil logistically was too far from any commercial destination.  That too was great whilst it lasted, but then in 2017-18 Amyn was forced to have an extended stay in Thailand on the island of Koh Chang for health reasons.

After this stint at the medical facility Amyn made the same big mistake once more and that again was driven by one thing only “Over Confidence” – armed with the influence of everyone else’s experiences Amyn himself did exactly what he told others NOT to do.

Amyn one last time re-settled his life in the APAC-ASEAN Region in 2022 where he has retired in Thailand mainly due to Bumrungrad Hospital & the care that sustains his mobility. The other main reason is that the wonderful people in this country are humble only know a life of peace and love, and are very pure at heart in what their firm beliefs are and possess a fantastic sense of patriotism to their (His Highness), The King as well as their own families.

Those who do not know Amyn personally should note that the challenges for him each time have been much more difficult for Amyn for two reasons alone.

1.       Amyn is a dual-national & carries two passports – one of citizenships that he holds carries a not so good reputation with regard to transparency and clarity and due to that factor and being stereotyped things were extremely difficult for him at every step of the way each and every time that he has done this procedure legally himself due to having very limited funds,

The main reason for this suffering has been that his personal documentation had to have several confirmations with regard to authenticity. Once this painfully long process was verified. Then there was some relaxation.

2.      Amyn is a disabled person and each and every time he has applied to reside in a foreign country only one thing has been questioned. Will Amyn add value to that country or will he impose upon its economy and be a parasite like the rest in the past.

Amyn is an extrovert and loves to connect with people.  he has always been open to making new friends and always explores new frontiers all the time.

Amyn is never scared to step into new frontiers as he knows how to get things done legally and honestly. To state the same as above about being a parasite, leech or someone having a negative impact upon that country’s economy, history will depict in the form of social media pictures and professional references on LinkedIn over 34 years that everywhere Amyn has gone he has only created and added value in some form or another.

Having gone through this process Amyn is now providing advice to everyone and is not your textbook consultant that has purchased a license from the North American continent or the middle-east and started selling senseless illusions.

Everyone has theoretical knowledge, Amyn also has the street-credibility and experience to understand realistic time-frames for delivery and what it takes to get things done legally and honestly once and for all. Rather than keep on fixing things later and keep on paying for it.

Amyn offers a paid consultation through his licensed and registered British / Dutch Tourism & Travel company TripExxxotica that has a proven track record for executing Luxury Tourism at exotic destinations across the world. 


There are two types of migration (Labor or professional) & then family where you move your entire family to another country.  No matter what it is people always think that the grass is greener (US $) on the other side.

Bitterness of the reality before them is that when as someone that is recognized as a leading professor who was a pioneer and has practiced surgery has to go through the same requirements as I have had to.

The only factor that got them into the country was the stockpile of cash that they brought with them as their certifications, degrees. That’s it!

The years of experience of having delivering better health for many people is all disqualified as that same professor would be required by many legal statutes to go through the same process in that new country so qualify themselves to treat people in that country.

My point being that, it really does not matter what you have attained in life academically, socially or professionally.  Money is the only factor that matters in migration.

People think that just because a certain country has opened up a visa quota for travel, that they suddenly have a new hope in the form of professional and financial nirvana in another country.

Even to get this process done it costs money!

(Should ‘YOU’ move from your own country)

I moved around for many reasons but when I finally relocated and retired in Thailand as a long-time medical patient that still visits my hospital Bumrungrad International Hospital in Bangkok at-least 3 times a month, I knew exactly why I wanted to relocate here from before and the costs attached with it!

Yes, in my initial year I did not succeed I built the dream house, I registered Xyngato, my own registered British Consulting company & I failed at it miserably.  I was responsible for my own destruction and bankruptcy which forced me to return back to my original family home on June 30th 2023.

I have had and still have many complications but I am hyper-focused o my goal and what people call stubbornness is what I perceive as persistence, with all the odds against me the only thing that has worked in my favor has been my photographic memory, my constant updating and archiving any and all information around, me and the ability to consume information all around me and being a subliminal self-created academic,

I gave myself 90 days, worked on me, despite the odds that publicly shamed me in Bangkok, even some people from an embassy tried to play games with me! But when you have a drive your really do not care you need to keep quiet and keep your focus. 

Then exactly on the 90th day, sitting in Pakistan and discussing possibilities with my long-time friends and clients (Royals) from the states of Kuwait and Oman I got the respect I needed as they sent me an equivalent of US$ 78,000/- in cash to independently sort my matters out in Pakistan, one month’s accommodation full support for a legal way to stay in the country and also funds for my medical expenses.

It was supposed to be a short-stay as I had messed up before, so this time as I entered Bangkok from the Airplane, I left my attitude behind and only started listening to understand people. 

I started following my own advice and totally left any form of emotion or regard where it was supposed to be.

When I left for Bangkok on the 90th day exactly – I had not taken one penny from my family or strained them for any financial demands.  All the funds close to US$ 80,000 in cash for my personal expenses were covered.

Bottom line. Never give up! Be true to yourself! If you have a goal! Only you can do it! Don’t care about anyone else’s opinions, your actions are defined by your own decisions so own up man up and face the reality of the here and the now.

For many countries, I personally have read through the entire Civil codes of conducts, the penal implications upon breaking the law and bending it, what is considered to be a misdemeanor and what will separate it from a felony. Further to that I constantly keep updating myself about immigration policies visa types and all relevant materials especially economic developments and track all the monetary movements globally.

People come to me for solutions and relief.  They don’t want the drama of paying a deposit and wait endlessly for someone to get back to them.  They want a quick, fact-based solutions that give them

1.       Immediate relief

2.      A plan to sustain that relief

That’s it!

I believe that any good immigration consultant is one that

1.       first provides all the clarity for the potential customer, (which may be confirmed through the government’s official website (like Thailand has – Example ) by a layman so, not so technical but simple)

2.     Makes the client aware in writing of an exact figure that it will cost them in their own currency,

3.     Provides a clear definition of the timeframes at each and every step of the way

4.     And a realistic financial consultant fee at each step of the way

5.     The cost of services should always be kept separate from the entire package to provide complete financial clarity for everyone(In writing)

No, I am not a lawyer, or a solicitor, I am not a certified accountant!  What I have written above is basic common sense. However, if everyone left all emotion aside and stopped the drama and hyper-focused on fact, the first thing that would happen is that every lawyer would be out of a job as everyone would resolve all conflict peacefully and quickly.

The second reaction would a lesser load on the criminal justice system as everything would go through a civil judicial process and we could actually make all the prisons as beautiful as the ones we see on social-media in Europe.

Should you actually decide to migrate to another country, you should understand and research the following things only – FOR YOUR OWN GOOD WRITE THESE DOWN WITH A PEN AND PAPER

1.       Your reasons for wanting to relocate from your own country

2.      Your financial status in your own country

3.      The cost of living in your own country

4.      The countries you want to relocate to (at-least have 5 options)

5.      The cost of living and a realistic amount that you can make – you may be a surgeon but in that country with the global recession going on you could end up cleaning toilets or flipping burgers to make ends meet

6.      A complete SWOT analysis on you

7.       A complete SWOT analysis on the final country you want to relocate to

Before you even think about giving money to anyone to help you with this process. Only you can be the reason behind your success.  Also, you can be the only reason to have a negative impact on your whole family if what you are doing does not go well.

Here are the mistakes to avoid and these are the most painful conversations that I am forced to go through all the time randomly.  (Real comments that people tell me daily)

1.       I can get it done cheaper & more quickly!

2.      I have a friend who…

3.      Give me one reason to trust you…

4.      I’m ok I really don’t need this at all but I am open to listen…

At first, I was patient and entertained this drama, all it got me was a bad name that I was desperate & trying to get money from people.  So, I lost regard for people and now focus on time and once they start, I tell them the following things.

We are only talking as you have an obvious need – so leave that Napoleon complex at the door

I value my time more than your painful toxic stories – stop or I will talk with someone not so bitter as you where I can make some money- I am not here for you – I care for the money I am getting paid

If you have your own insecurities then note that I never created them, grow up and deal with them yourself.

You quietly pay the doctors and lawyers and accountants fees on time – my work is the same to help you get relief from the suffering you are in now! And I do not work for free because i have bills to pay as you expect me to do so for some emotional reason or some connection.

If you lie to me then apply the same rules to the doctor where you will stay sick longer, the accountant – where the government will come after you for taxes & lastly your lawyer if you lie to him – it will take him or her longer to get you relief legally from the pain you are going through now!

So make my work easy – we have an NDA everything is transparent through Government State Banks – NO urgent crazy cash demands – Only invoices – work executed through professional accredited lawyers in each country, for that country (Indonesia, Malaysia Thailand etc.) and supported by financial actual calculations of your COGS so that you can understand realistically what your ROI will be and over how long. 

Sadly, the chemistry behind a successful and lucrative relocation or migration or retirement is an extremely complexed science. I have perfected it! How and why? – I have been through this painful process so many times personally myself that I KNOW EXACTLT WHAT NOT TO DO and save time.

Finally understand this if you approach me!

I am retired but have the time to consult internationally!  I have my fees!  If you cannot pay them – I cannot work for free!

If you are a student STOP! I would love to guide and help you out to get a better future! – That too has its fees and costs at a lesser rate obviously! I am here to help people but my time is valuable and daily I am exhausted by people shopping for ideas to be succesful. 

UPDATED & CHANGED THIS SECTION - (14th August 2024) 

As many students have written in saying they cannot afford any fees  - So dear students if you want a time from me it will cost you (NOTHING AT ALL FROM OUR SIDE- BUT HERE IS THE CONDITION ATTACHED) - Please give us and provide us ORIGINAL documents that can be VERIFIED and are AUTHENTIC. Initially, i had put a fee ther because we have to verify everything through accredited people and that wastes time and does cost money!

If we help you and YOU provide us with INCORRECT or information and documentation that is not verifiable and authentic then YOU will suffer... 

If you do not follow this exact process written below I will not give you a time and tell the team to trash your email - if you cannot pay attention to detail - i have no time to figure things out to help you - we have too many emails flooding in from one country alone from students! 

Our responsibility is to only guide you and share options with you asto what you can do and cannot do from a non emotional perspective. & what will work for you to get success. That is all! 

You have had enough - and my team and I are not going to take advantage of this and add to your problems further, we want to be a part of the solution and make things better for all so it's really not  about money in such a matter (which i explained above) - so go ahead and write to us!


I wanted to provide total clarity in writing and a brutal reality to this dubious industry!

Reality is that we only want to take on success because peoples lives are at stake also - sad but all of you think there is a quick fix - kids if you want to go to Paradise - YOU need to die for that - there is no shortcut! - so please provide authentic and documentation that can be verified

This is the way to go 

  1. First, send an email to
  2. in the email subject write your full legal name as on your passport, city & country 
  3. attach your detailed academic history in MS word editable format 
  4. please attach a separate page if you have work experience with details of employer and dates and exact job functions etc - this will help us in our SWOT 
  5. then attach a one page write an essay about yourself not more than half an A4 page 

and send it to us on email st the email address provided above

  1. We will reply back with a questionnaire for you to fill out with questions specific to you only!
  2. You will reply back on email with the questions answered in the format stated back to us. 
  3. We will provide you with an apology if we cannot help you 
  4. If we can help you then we will send you a video meeting time with a payment request 
  5. You will have 72 hours to confirm the payment to us and we will confirm the time with you 

It is not our problem if there are complications everyone can only succeed if they respect time and do pre-planning.]

I do NOT (repeat) do NOT give jobs – I am NOT a HR company or Job consultant!  I tried last year to help people and it ended very badly for me so now I just avoid the whole matter of helping people find a job my belief is that if you cant find a job for yoruself on yoru own merit, then that is on you not me!

I am only in the travel and tourism industry and help people from the western markets relocate to the APAC-ASEAN Region. That’s it!

Having done relocations and migrations I really find it so weird how everyone wants to settle in Europe and North America to live a great dream because what everyone else tells them!

Nobody is looking on the internet and trying to understand that most Canadians, Americans & Europeans, due to inflation poor health-care due to diminishing economies and ridiculous taxes are now relocating to countries like (Examples only) Thailand, Indonesia & Malaysia! 

People want to run to find heaven in the same country where that country’s own citizens are leaving to other regions for a better life due to economic reasons! Weird Huh!?  Does that make any common sense???

Please join this FB group to get fantastic information and deals specific to Thailand Tourism & Travel 

When will people ever learn?

If you want an affordable, quick professional solutions then contact me!  Let’s appreciate each other’s lives and not take each other for granted.

If you want the drama of niceness and not fact, well that is exactly what has gotten you to the point where your interest is up until here and you have read so far.   

My job is NOT to sell you a dream be nice to get and advance my team and i will take money to make a reality happen that you want IN THE AGREED BUDGET DURING THE SET TIMEFRAMES. For that I remove any emotion between us an only work on honesty loyalty & respect professionally and financially ONLY TO THE JOB AT HAND.

If you think the tone is rude, that is your problem. My job is not to be nice to you as my customer, you need a better life and I can and will make it happen IF I decide to take you on!

I only work on 100% successful delivery! - If you cannot meet my payment terms and want to pay later, do not contact me! 

I look forward to making your dreams come true!

AGAIN - What i do best only works when you remove any false hope and only focus on the reality without emotion! I am loyal to you as you are paying me! BUT I am more honest and loyal to the jobe infront of me as that is what matters in the end!

Playing with someone's future is not something I do, (or any other consultant should do!) which is why thid blog has more text and less images - I for once am not selling anything - stating the truth!

The truth is simple, short and sweet & does NOT need to be sold - The illusion of a paradise on an expensive camel or on old dininishing western fornteirs needs, to be sold. 

Common sense or emotions! Your call! 

(Vehicles, Housings, you name it! We deliver a painless transparent one-window solution!)
(Through our legal partners & financial advisors)

Please follow my blog and also add me on LinkedIn -

If you need any advice on travel then email me and I would be glad to help you out!  Please send an email to  

Bottom line – ‘People’ run businesses & ‘People’ matter the most & I & my team understand people!

Contact me to collaborate on Travel & Tourism, I give a guarantee that nobody can beat my pricing in the middle-east. (More profit margins for all) – if we unite on a B2B basis imagine what good we could do by introducing the human element of empathy, sympathy and deliver a true travel and hospitality experience to our clients!

Drug and Rehabilitation Facilities & Medical Tourism providers are also very welcome because being disabled myself I know exactly what mistakes not to make and make your customers journey for better health more affordable and relaxed than any normal experience.

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!


Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail

ALLAH HU VIDEO - (Audio Credits) 

  • Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
  • Okhay Painday Lambiyan Ne Rawan · Sain Zahoor
  • Best Remix Hits
  • ℗ 2018 Oriental Star Agencies Ltd
  • Released on: 2018-10-29
  • Music  Publisher: Oriental Star Agencies Ltd
  • Auto-generated by YouTube.

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