
Thursday, August 15, 2024




I would like to begin this blog with three virtues very dear to my heart!

  1. Proper & honest paper work is the way of the Prophet Muhammad, (Rasul Allah) May peace be upon Him (Eternally)
  2. If the intent originates out of a pure honest heart, and no emotion is attached then any goal is achievable!
  3. Value ‘Time’ over money, you can make unlimited money, BUT, even with unlimited money you cannot buy time back


Mostly people know this but, here goes!  Amyn mostly caters to the North American markets UK & European markets so his companies are based out of the United Kingdom & Wales & are subject to the VAT & Taxation laws of the United Kingdom.  His companies as listed are 

  • Ghulamalis Consulting - Est. - 2010 - Pakistan 
  • Ghulamalis Consulting - Est. - 2014 - United Arab Emirates 
  • Ghulamalis Consulting - Est. - 2017 - United Kingdom & Wales   
  • Xyngato Ltd. - Est 2017 - United Kingdom & Wales   
  • TripExxxotica - Est 2018 - United Kingdom & Wales   
  • MedivacExpress - Est 2022 - United Kingdom & Wales  

If and when or should you decide to relocate yourself for whatever the reason may be to Thailand, then it will help you a lot if you follow these core principles.  Here is your step-by-step guide with basic costs attached to give you a rough idea so that you can plan your budget and a strategy.  Also, in the blog I have provided typical normal tourists rates that you should be aware of!

(The costs are estimated as Thailand is a Tourist dependent economy so the actual real-time rates at the time of your enquiry will vary, also please remember to consider the Foreign Exchange rates when you decide.)

First Why Thailand?

I think Thailand is the best option to go for, and this first reason is that unlike the western favorite destinations it is between 3 – 6 hours flight in the South East Asian Sub Continent. So, it is not a long flight with many connections and layovers, thanks to the National Flag Carrier Thai Airways

Second the Thai Baht has more stability with the countries of the Asian Sub-Continent when compared to the US Dollar

Also, the visa policies for tourists are extremely easy so you can come as a tourist and we can show you everything you need to see - This is a see before you BUY comfort that no western country gives so easily as their own tourist visa processes are more demanding and complicated filled with time consuming drama.

Most people that have an immigration process in play have only gotten entangled in it due to the success of another person. About 90 percent of these applicants do NOT have the financial resources to visit that country as a long stay tourist and understand that a cardiac surgeon will have to go through the same scrutiny as a fresh graduate.

 If the Cardiac surgeon and the student both get a visa and relocate then both of them start at the same level of flipping burgers at a fast-food place or cleaning a toilet at an airport until the 25 year s of experience surgeon studies for almost two years and gets the certifications and equivalency of that particular country.

Leave all these convenient other reasons aside and the easy honest drama less immigration and visa procedures.  the main second supporting reason is Economic Sense Thailand is a country where you can control your budgets. 

The entire middle-east, European & North & South American markets (except Brazil) are dependent on the US dollar as a trading medium.

The US Dollar is not a stable currency, after the 2024 elections it is rumored that the US Dollar will have further instability which will impact directly upon three major funding bodies across the globe very well known as the ADB, IMF & the World Bank.

This will directly impact upon whatever values of loans on a G2G levels that have been sanctioned and all the fundings to the development sectors in developing nations will be affected.

Thailand is aloof of all of this drama.  The Thai economy is consistent with the US Dollar as it does not rely on the middle-east oil-trade to survive.  Therefore, developing nations like Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, the peoples find that it is a better option to establish business interests there as well.  


Please keep an open mind and don’t let yourself be influenced by the thoughts of others or their success stories.  Every person has individual requirements based upon their profiles and those have their own separate costs. 

Here is the process listed below with complete clarity of how Amyn or I, would make you do your relocation, retirement, company set-up in Thailand. 

  • This process is for those people that have the funds to invest in Thailand only!
  • I have written a separate section for students below!
  • Below that I have written a section for the Labor class

First, I would send you a detailed questionnaire which is mandatory to fill out.

My team and I would review everything and then once we have everything in front of us, we would request that you physically visit the country.  Thailand allows you to say legally as a Tourist for 30 days.

I would suggest that you use this visa time productively and clear 30 days of your own time (minimum) – this includes but is not limited to your financial, personal, business, any and all family obligations.  Hand over all your direct responsibilities to people that can manage things for you

Whilst you are doing this, we will suggest a few hotels for you to stay at, which we know are extremely comfortable and very affordable.  Also, the properties we will suggest are ones with whom we have long standing other relationships so we can also help with the pricings.

It is essential to advance book, confirm and pay for your accommodation during these 30 days for the following reasons

Thailand has a huge problem as far as room / hotel / accommodation availability due to the huge rush of tourists from the western part of the planet

Last minute bookings cannot be negotiated and you will end up paying the immediate demand of the property

Once you have sorted all your affairs out (approximately 3 – 4 weeks) visits us here

Your Airline Ticket and visa can be done by any IATA approved reliable travel agent in your country.  If you do not require a visa then an OTA or a direct flight booking through the airlines own website is easy to do and painless.

The average 4-star Studio Apartment in Sukhumvit District (Main) during Tourist season monthly rate should not be more than 70,000/- Thb inclusive of breakfast, in any calendar year.  (Not including the months of November, December & January)

As far as food is concerned, I would advise that you keep Thb. 1,500/- a day for yourself. If you eat Halal (Muslim) food only then you’re in for a treat as the second most practiced religion in Thailand is Islam

Your transport during these 30 days will be between 65, to 70,000/- Thai Baht.  – This will include a Toyota Fortuner (2020 + Model, A driver & one of our staff and full insurance as well as fuel, and all road-tolls) - that's it no surpises 

Please do not suggest your more economical way of anything,. I know what works and in trying to save money it will be more expensive financially, emotionally and mentally, and you will be responsible for that not us. If you had a better more reliable and cheaper option you would use it and not be reading this....

For the Metropolitan city of Bangkok, you have a fantastic transport network but our intent is to show you the country completely. 

For this 30-day period we only charge you 30,000 Thai Baht for a local staff that speaks your language and can translate & a drive that will be attached to you so that you can control the cost of their food (lunch and dinner) for the time they spend with you

We do not charge you any more or other fees. If you have visited Thailand and think you know everything, then don’t come knocking at our door because when you visit any country as a tourist or a transient business traveler, your perception is different from the ground realities at hand.

You need to clear your attachments to your home country and look at this country during our 30-day journey and explore each and everything related to the reason for your move to Thailand.

Coming close to the end of the 30-day period on the 25th day, you will sit with our team and go through a Q & A session with regard to your trip.  You have your perceptions & we want to know them formally.

These will be documented and shared with a local legal accredited law firm we are partnered with and on the 28th day we will introduce you to the lawyer to know all the real legalities specific to you along with all the official government costs and the processes & time-frames that will be presented to you for the payments directly to the government of Thailand as a foreign investor. (We will ensure you have a paper and pen for you to make your notes)

The key to success is not being impulsive! We will not entertain any request to set you up in that world in Thailand from the reality of the 30-day experience. We want you to go back home to your own country.

Once, back in  the comfort of you own home in your own city, we will connect with you after 3 weeks.  We want you to calmly run all your own finances and realize if you can actually afford this because getting married is easy, but staying married is another ordeal which is extremely difficult.

If you have decided to relocate finally and are NOT making a desperate or an emotional decision then

First, we will share our terms & conditions with you that will cater only to you.  The amount of compensation that we will ask for our services done through professionals are real and not negotiable.

We will send you a schedule of payments and ALL you payments are pre-paid (advance) we have faced several complications each and every time when we accepted payments after the work agreed upon was delivered.

NOTE! – If your payment does NOT arrive on the due date for whatever the reason please understand that everything is online here in Thailand and scheduled and transparent then, even if we have to fix your problem it will cost more money at the end.

It is better to manage your time and be well prepared as unlike other consultants my team and I physically showed you everything, you are aware of the situation that is present before you and we have waited about a month for you to cool off and have complete clarity of what you are getting into and it is not an impulsive decision.

All your payments to the government of Thailand will be done against invoices and proof from the government that you can verify and through a trackable (SWIFT Etc. payment) – cash payments will not be acceptable

We will send you an official NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)

Then we will take a second more specific brief from you and we will then first respond with our contract specific to you. (This will entail the government fees involved only)

Before this process our fees and services to provide and your costs of living have already been sorted out.

So now you have a total clarity on what your our charges will be, then what your own living costs will be, and lastly exactly what he direct government charges will be because by this time we would have worked with you to define the specifics bout your relocation (personal or professional)  

After that all you need to do is honor your time-lines for payments as you have complete transparency and security

All we need to do is manage our time to deliver the information to and from the relevant departments and ensure your coming to Thailand is painless.


Once a plan is FINAL and committed on paper – there are costs attached!  This is why we give you a cooling off period for 3 weeks before we accept working with you formally.

IF YOU change one element on the plan then the costs will change completely with regard to everything.

Your changes as per your wish-list will also change the deliverable time-frames.

That’s’ it!  - This is my way!  

Please join this FB group to get fantastic information and deals specific to Thailand Tourism & Travel

The process above may look and is simple but the data analysis and legal references are quite technical that happen in the background which we handle for you! 

If anyone knows how to do it better, please go ahead and contact them. I wish you luck on your migration / relocation process!


In 2023 I tried to help a few people get employment legally but all their passports had problems that were very complicated and we had to get verifications done through lawyers to help fix their visa status (if it could be done) All these people I was trying to help were on student visas and were working illegally all across the country. 

Being a good samaritan ended very badly for me as an embassy accused me of fraud for asking for a nominal doucmentation fee (against invoices) that actually had to be paid to lawyers as they do NOT work for free despite my willing to something for a good cause. 

I don't know what happened to these illegal workers on student visas as none of them trusted anyone so no payments were given and no documents were shared. And to top it all being a consultant I am forced to record all voice / chat / media communication with every client for KYC policies as per th statue governing laws of the United Kingdom. So nobody was able to accuse me as no transaction had taken place only a lot of drama. 

I recommend that you follow this simple different route suggested below.

There is no need to get disappointed by putting your faith in any person or consultant even me. This is a simple process that is the truth and the truth is simple…  Everything I am stating below you can research on the internet.

  • Your consultant may lie, but I assure you aunty Google and uncle Wikipedia really are authentic as far as information is concerned.  
  • If your intent is to go on an education visa and work in Thailand then that is illegal.  You will face problems in this country if you break the law.
  • No! You cannot come here and work to pay your college fees and living expenses. Whoever told you that needs to provide proof from an official government website like The Kingdom of Thailand’s, own Government clear and comprehensive website known as Board Of Investment –
  • You need to cover the cost of the college and university (whatever that is) and have and show that you have the ready cash to cover your stay in Thailand and also pay for your education.
  • If you think you will get a scholarship forget about that. It’s a global recession! There is no money to hand out at all anywhere and people are trying to save money.

Research all the universities in Thailand (there are many western and Australian Colleges & Universities that actually have a physical branch campus in Thailand) so your choice is huge.


Do not come to Thailand because a friend promised you a job. First get a job and come on your own merit.  Today the job market is globally down, so I would like to suggest that if you have a job, you hold onto it as you are lucky and stay home. What you have now is more secure that a hope based on whatever the reason may be.


With over 17 years personally in travel & tourism business if I may provide any guidance do let me know. Thank you for reading this and if you found it interesting do share my blog with all you know!  

If you are from the Corporate, Medical-Tourism or any Tour or Travel operator, this industry has lost the human element that people were used to and if you would like to join me in delivering the most wonderful value for money and an honest travel experience then let’s connect.

Please follow my blog and also add me on LinkedIn -

If you need any advice on travel then email me and I would be glad to help you out!  Please send an email to  

Bottom line – ‘People’ run businesses & ‘People’ matter the most & I & my team understand people!

Contact me to collaborate on Travel & Tourism, I give a guarantee that nobody can beat my pricing in the middle-east. (More profit margins for all) – if we unite on a B2B basis imagine what good we could do by introducing the human element of empathy, sympathy and deliver a true travel and hospitality experience to our clients!

Drug and Rehabilitation Facilities & Medical Tourism providers are also very welcome because being disabled myself I know exactly what mistakes not to make and make your customers journey for better health more affordable and relaxed than any normal experience.

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail

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