As we all believe that there was an Adam & an Eve and
that cannot be questioned.
I wish that they would have been Korean, Vietnamese
or Chinese because they would have forgotten about the Apple of Sin and eaten
the bloody snake instead!
In any government there is always politics from within that
one needs to be aware of before fighting the external band of hungry vagabonds
that are out to destroy you! In every
government you have those who due to their own vanity and cowardice stab you in
the back because they rely upon their own selfish quick agendas)
At the KG Club one knows only too well what
jealousy, vanity and greed has done to the club we found safe for our kids,
when we were kids! Members (ironically I
love the word) only know too well how they get phone calls and messages when
election time comes around!
What is so progressive in the form of anything achieved so
far is that everyone plays politics behind hidden agendas and veils of dishonest smiles from within?
KG members are the first to stand in line at the gates of
the Provincial Club as well as along the creek to Keamari so that their wives
can throw off the Abaya for 5 hours and enjoy what they only get in abroad for a
couple of days! (a supposedly safe environment)
The paradise the election contender seek
in this false piety is so ridiculously & negatively hypocritical because of everyone's hidden agenda's. Every management wins the election on its ability to better barter supposed hidden deals where there is financial gain.
However, the members are ok with that BUT not stupid and really upset at being repeatedly defrauded by the same elected MC for not delivering quality and a complete display of deterioration on multiple levels that also include the physical infrastructure of the club buildings themselves.
The seven deadly sins are what has killed man
repeatedly! What is the point of trying
to hurt each other when the effects will fall out on the younger generation
that will suffer!
Personally for me every year I avoid physically visiting the club from October till January (after elections) - the weather is great at that time of the year BUT those vultures that ignore members for the entire year are out to befriend you and harass you on WhatsApp and every digital platform for a simple vote.
Firstly I find it unethical that these vultures start dialogs on bashing the present management - (not only that, they get immensely personal and drag the candidates personal lives / own business interest flaws etc. in order to present them selves as the best choice.)
As per our inherent desi nature t take everything for granted they all know that canvassing is against the regulations yet they blatantly do it openly defaming anything and anyone in any form of opposition.
I am a career salesman and I have succeeded more in my sales over 31 years by displaying my own prowess and attributes and solid thought out documented strategies. I find it disgusting that NONE of these clowns (candidates) have ANY form of written down and documented manifesto to depict a solid action and financial plan for their own tenure. Rather than try to win on positivity it is disgusting how one sees the hidden agendas based upon revenge on the management that will change etc.
I really wish that candidates stop telling me about
women at the pool losing their privacy so they MUST have one million or ten million or whatever for some ridiculous purpose
I wish that every candidate for president and his or her party would just document a solid plan and share it with all the members and simply let them decide - (no ne is an idiot)
Today the club is a disgrace and it is an unpleasant toxic environment to socialize in due to the simple fact that we have a rule book - BUT NOBODY WANTS TO STICK TO THE RULES IN THE BOOK
When people ask me what I think about the situation at the club is and an opinion on its environment my reply is simple and the best analogy I give is - It is an environment where "All animals are equal BUT 'some' animals are MORE equal than others!" - (Quote - 'Animal Farm' - George Orwell)
If this club needs to survive in this evolving world - someone needs to STOP being emotional - present solid plans and have solid execution policies to run the club with backups and failsafe measures documented and presented to the members
I am sure this would be respected more than gossip & emotional nonsense.
If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please...
If you would like to contact me for a free consultation, please directly email me at - amyn@ghulamalis.com
Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you! If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web. If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write!