
Monday, September 27, 2010


Today if one has to question what the most precious commodity is then it’s very to assume that “time is certainly the most precious commodity that one has. With Time you can make money but with money one cannot buy back time. Also as of late in the social circles for the past five years I have been listening to people complain about needing therapy. Some think that an eventual cure may lie in a chemical solution (Prozac lithium etc…) or if one gets therapy… also over the past five years I have noticed that clinics are opening up to provide a form of cure to a very common social issue known as addiction… the bottom line is that being online is the worst form and most damaging form of addiction that has plagued us…

More marriages are being dissolved over texting and many innocent lives being destroyed by what we know as social networking media… People are happy sitting in their cubicles late at nights as technology which was made to establish that stuff could be done faster has opened many avenues of distraction thus increasing the amount of time one spends sitting behind a desk. In my humble philosophy of life we have allowed technology to twist our way of thinking and enslaving us thus making us desk potatoes and destroying most forms of procrastination that I was aware of as a child like hanging out with my buddies to play cricket redundant as the computer has taken over…

The online addiction syndrome needs to be addressed with brute aggression and company’s need to establish a fine line between entertainment and healthy activities. The slowdown of people leaving a real world and establishing a domain in the virtual world leads us back to think at how much cardiac and other diseases are on the rise. People have now started developing carpal syndrome – coagulated arteries and many other issues related to being a desk potato.

There was a time when it was great to discover stuff about someone and know them in real life… there was a joy in courting the opposite sex and discovering the negatives and positives and actually understanding the reality of making a significant decision when it came to choosing a partner. Today people can easily google a name get the complete history and see how ones virginity was restored in a clinic after that being spent years in a Cuban prison for terrorism. Today almost all the airborne attacks on the northern regions of Pakistan are done by drones that are flown from somewhere in Utah in the united states where a pilot puts in more time on a simulator than having a firms grip of reality. Also what tools one uses to look cool are brutally aggressive in destroying the old school principles of business where people look at each other as a number and no longer as a human being…

As a global world we need to define activities that are centered around being away from the technology world and around more active and physically engaging sports that do not limit the activity to the clicking of a mouse sitting in a shady room. We need to start focusing on defining lines or boundaries when the work ends and the fun begins… Should we as a world start becoming more active then we could start throwing away blood thinners and anti cholesterol medications that we so eagerly ingest…

If we take time to invest in our selves then maybe we could increase our lives by another 10 – 12 years think about it as you read this post and ask your self how active you really are…

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