
Saturday, August 3, 2024




Presented here are the thoughts of a person that has survived the past 5 decades & these are his own personal thoughts shared with society that are, justified through personal experiences. – You have a right to differ with the author’s opinion & those will NOT be challenged at all as everyone has a right to their own way of thinking which is unique in its own way.


From the minute you come out from the womb; you start a journey to the grave – the most precious commodity you have is time, because you have that luxury of not knowing when you will be called up to God. – To succeed at anything in life & to have less stress in your life all you have to do is manage your time.

Parents always try to mold their children into versions of themselves or a person that they feel would succeed in the future.  This worked up until the dawn of the internet revolution, which rapidly spread awareness to the youth masses and showed them that their futures were not at all limited. Children started coming out of the closet with their own ambitions and found their own career paths

With the internet revolution came a change, in society.  Globally people that were somewhat controllable through old school media started breaking the supposed conservative traditional lines of what society found acceptable & taboo matters & social concerns such as LGBTQ became slowly acceptable, & where the world had waged war on Cannabis for so long, suddenly that too is becoming a norm and an acceptable form of alternative medical therapy.

In reality everyone’s’ world turned upside down & today the lines between what exactly is ok not ‘acceptable’, cheeky, rude or simply not acceptable have become blurry, in reality this mass injection over a 30-year period up until now has been so overwhelming that deep down society is still digesting the pill of the uncertainty of the future before them.  Humanity basically lost control of itself.


I have always sought out the light at the end of the tunnel in my darkest of hours and over the years I have some thoughts that I would to share with you about the skills required that are essential to surviving tomorrow in this rapidly evolving world.

These skills have been written down in order of priority.


It doesn’t matter what university endorsement you embellish & from where if you cannot communicate with people, develop the ability to speak other languages as well.  Right now, is the best time to look at your children’s education before their middle-school years. Toddlers have a very high sense of intelligence and in these years quickly inwardly digest information more rapidly than adults.

If your child is poly-lingual upon graduating from any normal college, then your child will definitely have a leading edge over those IVY league graduates if he or she can communicate directly with people in their own language & culture.


There is an immense amount of electronic, societal and emotional noise today within a person’s own mind.  Irrespective of what solution people provide – the answer is within your self – de-stress & manage your time very wisely as time cannot be bought back.

Bad time management is one of the leading factors that cause stress from within.  Should you manage time, you can decrease the stress of life thus, creating further clarity to think more positively.

 Mastering control over one’s own emotions an almost impossible task but it can be achieved through strict discipline. Habits are repetitive behavior patterns.  But this desire to change has to come from within & that too for all the right reasons. (Yourself)

If you desire to change so that another is happy, then you both will end up in a further state of misery.


Learning is a strange art that nobody can master because it’s process for each living creature is unique to themselves. Today parents should not force an education on to a young mind, rather provide support to help that child explore its own potential.  The world is hyper-aware of everything due to technology & over the last fifteen odd years new degree titles are being awarded by well-known universities & governing education bodies.

My humble advice is that a college education costs a lot of money, and what you have today in the form of savings will depreciate and not hold the same value tomorrow.  So as your kid graduates high-school please don’t simply dump them in a college system. Throw them out into the real world and force them into the workforce (a controlled environment of different internships, in different career paths that they have to select.)  This way you can monitor what makes your child happy & how quickly they will adapt to that environment later.

Further to that the child gets real market exposure so when the enter college after this one-year sabbatical from the academic world they will have a leading edge and grasp the formal education in an eager, more willing and rapid pace than their peers.

Today, I see more & more miserable college graduates from accredited institutions frustrated because they have the technical information but zero street-smarts to implement anything more efficiently. 

If you, create a proper disciplined evolution path for your child then the college money that you saved will be a more secured investment in your child after the one-year sabbatical because there will be more clarity within the child of the true realities within the education they will receive and the value it will bring your child after the education.

Last but not least, if you follow this parenting method towards your child’s education and they select their education and career path after their internship time off then they can only hold themselves responsible and not be able to blame you for their own mistakes whilst growing up to the realities of life.  Do the same with who your child chooses to marry (if your approval is sought! – hey the world is changing rapidly!)

Today, the world is in survival mode & to survive tomorrow, everyone, needs to adapt and evolve faster than the global gravitational pull of increasing societal depression.  Other than the above, always ensure your children have a sense of Faith instilled within them in their very early years & are always in a positive environment.  

The next generation needs to understand that, Faith in a higher purpose, integrity to one’s true self, a hyper reality check of the here and the now constantly & a positive mind-set are the only elements that ensure salvation in mankind’s’ darkest hour!  Further to that a positive mindset always attracts opportunities!

If you would like to talk more in dept – do reach out!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail


Thursday, August 1, 2024




Due to current economic reasons the global trade & commerce vertical is probably the most volatile environment to seek stability!  The world was barely surviving in a recessive mode, but the pandemic pushed that entire eco-system into survival mode. 

During the Covid isolation period, companies realized that they do NOT require huge impressive office spaces, so they liquidated most of their moveable (quickly depreciating) assets & invested in movable assets that were more secure such as laptops, tablets, & phones, & handed them out to their own people to work remotely from home.

Post-Covid the realization hit everyone & confirmed that this method of remote work did provide a healthy reduction in everyone’s cost of goods sold.  The office spaces were left empty only with essential departments such as. HR, Legal, Accounting & Finance, along with, maybe two or three conference rooms for essential face-to- face meetings such as contract signings. Basically, the addresses were and are held onto for cosmetic & legal purposes only to solidify authenticity.

Even the owners, stake holders along with the core Key Decision Makers adopted the same lifestyle as the world is in survival mode so all they needed to do was optimize efficiency!

In business, there is not emotion so decisions were based upon force-majeure and life just went on even today!


Written above is how the corporate word reacted to the situation before them out of dire-straits.  Due to all what happened, globally the work-force culture also responded back to these changes in the following ways subliminally creating a different work culture that nobody could do anything about since everyone was working remotely and not just a few people.

The following predominant behavior trends within the entire global workforce that are obvious such as; (but not limited to)

A new culture of highly skilled technocrats that are basically frustrated youth fueled by the frustrations of cabin-fever emerged as a virtual force not to be reckoned with. Society labelled them as Digital Nomads.

14 to 18 months post-Pandemic the business world had an affirmation that such a culture would work smoothly and be less painful than the old norms they were used to.  The entire global business infrastructure was tweaked and adapted to support these Digital Nomads.

The first steps were taken by countries that also served the purpose of a paradise destination for such people who had a positive cash-flow & could add an aggregate revenue stream into the country’s own GDP.  Thailand was the leader in this work-force cultural evolution as it ensured safety, visa-&-immigration policy revisions to cater to the emerging culture of digital nomads that is now widely a norm.

As these (mostly) Europeans & Western think-tanks relocated to Thailand, it increased not only the parallel income and spend within the country, but made many young people realize that in the APAC-ASEAN region that the local native people are aloof of the volatile other economies in the west and MENA region as they do not rely on the US Dollar to trade as they have many alternatives such as the Chinese Yuan, Japanese Yen, Singaporean Dollar & last but not least the Russian Rubel.  Basically, there was a control on COGS that made the organizations understand real profit margins & calculate almost accurate yields from their investments in this region.

 & Then, once this model worked, everyone followed starting with Spain & Greece and then Portugal, even Turkey downplayed its high-ticket real estate investment model (basically, where they sold citizenship) along with the others, migrated to exploring medical- tourism and eventually started offering digital nomad opportunities.

The global financial services for everyone became so efficient that alternative methods of currency which were a taboo (such as crypto) became acceptable and now are a preferred method of payment to all these highly skilled technical digital nomads globally – (In reality everyone today prefers such a method in the workforce as these payments are non- trackable & they do not impact upon your year end income-taxes. Basically, what your government does not know cannot hurt you!)


Keeping everything above in mind, I have presented my own synopsis of what I feel could work on a general basis.  (The recipe is the same for every business vertical, however, an in-depth analysis is required to perfect the exact mix that will work for that specific organization, service or product)

Organizations need to understand Human Resources. 

The world does not run-on technology as technology has been created by Humans.  If you treat them like resources, you will NOT have loyalty. 

For this, there needs to extreme care given to the selection of your core HR department – the team that works for you should be give the respect of internal partners & essential stake-holders & empowered to control this varying workforce, because as other online options presented themselves to jobseekers (remotely) anywhere on the planet, companies could not keep up the illusion of the safety of a 401k & retirement at the end of a career, as all those benefits are available now! (Like living & enjoying life in the preset at a paradise location whilst you are in your prime)

Human Resource departments are so overwhelmed by the volume of applicants a day that they make the mistake of replacing new people with ones that are unhappy because they follow a ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!’ approach!

Companies need to re-invest in their existing workforce because people today only work to get paid.  That’s it!  If you disrespect that need (not want) – forget your own ego – when these people leave you – they walk away with all the knowledge they have within their mind and all your essential information.

It is less emotionally taxing & financially expensive to re-train and appreciate the lives of your existing work-force rather than swapping people out all the time, losing productivity and at the end of the day cash profits for the entire company.

Other than appreciating internal knowledge and education for internal customers based upon the ethos of empathy, companies need to understand that the pandemic not only created cabin fever, but when people came out of it, they lacked empathy for others as they were forced to survive on their own.

The most perfect work environment globally is when your HR department organizes periodic quarterly physical gatherings for people to network and share their thoughts. If companies added this model of Internal Corporate Tourism to the mix, then employee attrition would significantly decrease across the entire company.

Bottom line – ‘People’ run businesses & ‘People’ matter the most!

Contact me if you would like a specific evaluation on how to increase your own company’s efficiency & increase your ROI.

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

(Plagiarism is the biggest "Sin" that one could do in the Academic & professional world!  It is also an insult to everyone's intelligence!) - If you wish to use my original content - simply email me for permission - there is no financial cost - only a few boundaries to be respected!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct professional consultation please contact me via e-mail

Wednesday, July 31, 2024




It really does not matter if you are employed today or are an employer – every company, establishment needs revenue to survive!

The world of sales is the toughest to survive n because there are many factors that are involved when you have to sell anything.

I mostly recommend that before you start thinking about how to sell your service or product you understand your customer. So do an in-depth SWOT analysis on the customers specific profile (specially their buying power)

Then you need to run a complete SWOT analysis on the competitor brands out there in the market (get a detailed list of comparative marketing costings – what you should also do is research WHY they have that costing & does it justify the USP’ that they (your competitor) are selling

Now last step before you even think about the product / service you desire to sell – sit down with the CFO or the accountant of the company yourself & understand the direct COGS on what exactly has to be sold the ROI expected along with the timeframe the stakeholders expect this spend in the COGS back. – Now you understand what your profit margins are and can sell as per your own discretion and make the sale – make sure you close even small profit margins – they add up to aggregate revenue and multiple small wins are good for the company you represent and yourself as well

Don’t worry about the upset sales manager – he will push for a bigger margin’s as he sits behind a desk worried about his own aggregate commission payout from the team – even if he tries to fire you – you can appeal to HR and the owner on merit and performance and if you have the volume for small ticket items – you will have the ability to demonstrate steady progress. 

Company owners or employers today, prefer solid sustainable bread and butter line revenue streams rather than elaborate and complicated delusional get rich quick schemes

Again, now run a complete SWOT on what you have to sell – get the results – that is it.

Once you run all your number from all the SWOTS – you need to read between the lines and you will get an exact profile of the customer that you should sell to and target – then the next step would be to develop you own strategy – and roll it out!

The strategy has to be from you – this module will fail if done by a team – one single person has to do everything by themself for an accurate and honest result!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help with your own strategies, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally! 

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail



Situation Overview - The most important commodity today is time!  Your window of opportunity is barely 3 seconds.

Why? – The average recruiter that sits on the front line of any company or organization in the Human Resources department is extremely overwhelmed by the volume of applicants that flood their individual inbox. That’s it!

No need for reasons! This a fact!

The Solution – Every blog endlessly rambles on about the problem. Let’s be to the point & positive and focus on the solution.

I have laid out some pointers that I feel could add value to any person looking for any kind of employment today, & that too at any stage of their life!  Perhaps a few fresh graduates might find some of this information valuable.

Be different!  Most people that apply for jobs use a hard sell push approach by trying too hard to embellish their past achievements. Nobody needs that!

I suggest using a ‘to the point’ approach!

Have two documents ready, the first is a ONE PAGE ONLY brief RESUME. That’s it! – Rather than elaborate on how a format should be I have provided my own format (here below) that seems to be very effective in getting the attention of Recruiters, Head Hunters & even Corporate Profilers looking for consultant for their clients.

The SECOND document should be a detailed to the CURRICULUM VITAE – I will not display my own CV here for the following reasons

  • I am not selling ME
  • You know yourself best so only you can write specifics about yourself
  • You need to do this in your own style because if called for an interview and you cannot walk the talk you had written about you in your CV – well that will be very ugly!

In this SECOND document CURRICULUM VITAE ensure you focus on how you can add value to the employer in that job advertised and then YES by all means quote examples of past achievements that they may verify (and they will because if they have come so far and invested so much time - they will want to not waste any more)

Please ensure that you are brief in your details and that, your CURRICULUM VITAE does not extend beyond two and a half A4 sized pages.

Also, do not oversell yourself and make sure you keep some information within you  and don’t write it all down because when you get an interview call you can add more from the information you did not share and increase your own instant value & stand out from other applicants.

 Everyone knows how to make an initial impact in their own style, & everyone sells themselves, be different be honest, be into the employer and engage in a dialog, I assure you that your interview time will be far more than what is allocated to the average candidate.

Ok! Let’s stop one minute! – (Go back to before step one!) 

Dear Jobseekers understand this (common sense) Today is the day of technology, I told you that the most precious commodity today is Time but now I will tell you that most precious commodity that you buy & traded is NOT crypto – it is information (data mining)

So basically, when you copy one million HR company email addresses and start emailing all of them with Dear HR Manager, I am so desperate for a job but really very lazy to see if is a job that I can actually do or am qualified – you go on a list & now I presume common sense kicks in here! (Back-end algorithms)

When applying to any company – read the entire job post – make sure you apply to the specific job and make your application specific – make your subject line different and something that job needs – if you take the time to invest in selling only yourself to a potential recruiter or employer you will get the same form of professional respect in return & I assure you of that.

That’s it!  I can only guide you how to get your foot in the door and help you get in the room, how long you stay in that room is your own doing!

Understand these brutal realities I have presented here, BEFORE you venture out on a job-hunting crusade.

1.    There is no vertical fiscal growth, only a horizontal shifting of INCREASING circular global debt

2.       The words economies are NOT in growth mode they are all in survival mode

3.       There are massive shifts in all the for-ex markets & trade platforms across the globe

4.       Irrespective of what white veil of denial we shroud it with Global inflation is at a RAPIDLY RISING ridiculously high rate

5.       Today there are more fresh college graduates that are doctors resorting to street crimes due to unemployment only to survive and fed their families

I am NOT trying to scare you!  This is a brutal situation update reality check!

So, if you have a job, then my suggestion is please be honest to yourself and only your job NOT your employer boss or manager.

If it comes to cutting workforce – if you demonstrate you can add value – you are safe – so forget anything toxic – only focus on the job description and terms of employment in your employment contract & that’s it!  That is all any employer wants!  Efficiency! It helps control the cost of goods sold today!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail