
Saturday, August 3, 2024




Presented here are the thoughts of a person that has survived the past 5 decades & these are his own personal thoughts shared with society that are, justified through personal experiences. – You have a right to differ with the author’s opinion & those will NOT be challenged at all as everyone has a right to their own way of thinking which is unique in its own way.


From the minute you come out from the womb; you start a journey to the grave – the most precious commodity you have is time, because you have that luxury of not knowing when you will be called up to God. – To succeed at anything in life & to have less stress in your life all you have to do is manage your time.

Parents always try to mold their children into versions of themselves or a person that they feel would succeed in the future.  This worked up until the dawn of the internet revolution, which rapidly spread awareness to the youth masses and showed them that their futures were not at all limited. Children started coming out of the closet with their own ambitions and found their own career paths

With the internet revolution came a change, in society.  Globally people that were somewhat controllable through old school media started breaking the supposed conservative traditional lines of what society found acceptable & taboo matters & social concerns such as LGBTQ became slowly acceptable, & where the world had waged war on Cannabis for so long, suddenly that too is becoming a norm and an acceptable form of alternative medical therapy.

In reality everyone’s’ world turned upside down & today the lines between what exactly is ok not ‘acceptable’, cheeky, rude or simply not acceptable have become blurry, in reality this mass injection over a 30-year period up until now has been so overwhelming that deep down society is still digesting the pill of the uncertainty of the future before them.  Humanity basically lost control of itself.


I have always sought out the light at the end of the tunnel in my darkest of hours and over the years I have some thoughts that I would to share with you about the skills required that are essential to surviving tomorrow in this rapidly evolving world.

These skills have been written down in order of priority.


It doesn’t matter what university endorsement you embellish & from where if you cannot communicate with people, develop the ability to speak other languages as well.  Right now, is the best time to look at your children’s education before their middle-school years. Toddlers have a very high sense of intelligence and in these years quickly inwardly digest information more rapidly than adults.

If your child is poly-lingual upon graduating from any normal college, then your child will definitely have a leading edge over those IVY league graduates if he or she can communicate directly with people in their own language & culture.


There is an immense amount of electronic, societal and emotional noise today within a person’s own mind.  Irrespective of what solution people provide – the answer is within your self – de-stress & manage your time very wisely as time cannot be bought back.

Bad time management is one of the leading factors that cause stress from within.  Should you manage time, you can decrease the stress of life thus, creating further clarity to think more positively.

 Mastering control over one’s own emotions an almost impossible task but it can be achieved through strict discipline. Habits are repetitive behavior patterns.  But this desire to change has to come from within & that too for all the right reasons. (Yourself)

If you desire to change so that another is happy, then you both will end up in a further state of misery.


Learning is a strange art that nobody can master because it’s process for each living creature is unique to themselves. Today parents should not force an education on to a young mind, rather provide support to help that child explore its own potential.  The world is hyper-aware of everything due to technology & over the last fifteen odd years new degree titles are being awarded by well-known universities & governing education bodies.

My humble advice is that a college education costs a lot of money, and what you have today in the form of savings will depreciate and not hold the same value tomorrow.  So as your kid graduates high-school please don’t simply dump them in a college system. Throw them out into the real world and force them into the workforce (a controlled environment of different internships, in different career paths that they have to select.)  This way you can monitor what makes your child happy & how quickly they will adapt to that environment later.

Further to that the child gets real market exposure so when the enter college after this one-year sabbatical from the academic world they will have a leading edge and grasp the formal education in an eager, more willing and rapid pace than their peers.

Today, I see more & more miserable college graduates from accredited institutions frustrated because they have the technical information but zero street-smarts to implement anything more efficiently. 

If you, create a proper disciplined evolution path for your child then the college money that you saved will be a more secured investment in your child after the one-year sabbatical because there will be more clarity within the child of the true realities within the education they will receive and the value it will bring your child after the education.

Last but not least, if you follow this parenting method towards your child’s education and they select their education and career path after their internship time off then they can only hold themselves responsible and not be able to blame you for their own mistakes whilst growing up to the realities of life.  Do the same with who your child chooses to marry (if your approval is sought! – hey the world is changing rapidly!)

Today, the world is in survival mode & to survive tomorrow, everyone, needs to adapt and evolve faster than the global gravitational pull of increasing societal depression.  Other than the above, always ensure your children have a sense of Faith instilled within them in their very early years & are always in a positive environment.  

The next generation needs to understand that, Faith in a higher purpose, integrity to one’s true self, a hyper reality check of the here and the now constantly & a positive mind-set are the only elements that ensure salvation in mankind’s’ darkest hour!  Further to that a positive mindset always attracts opportunities!

If you would like to talk more in dept – do reach out!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

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