
Sunday, August 4, 2024





The author has presented his own personal views & perceptions based upon his own personal experiences & own personal discoveries.  For each person those will be different so you are free to opine, & have you own views.

Social-media comments & most travel-blogs generally are more based upon rhetoric rather than fact.  The author advises that you visit the official website of the Kingdom of Thailand’s Board of Investment.

This blog post is purely for general information purposes of opportunities & possibilities that exist for foreigners’ that have the ability & financial liquidity to securely invest in another country.

Should you require any specific information, the author recommends that you FIRST visit the official website of the Kingdom of Thailand’s Board of Investment. & read through the website in detail, slowly twice!

The Board of Investment’s website is extremely detailed and very articulately answers any and all questions any foreigner would have with regard to any and all commercial activities that may or may not be conducted by foreigners in Thailand.

The website also gives a clear perspective with regard to work-permits, visa-types, new regulations & up-coming changes withing the existing commercial, immigration & legal policies.

Ah Yes!  If you decide to work in Thailand or you would like to open your own business, you will be very pleasantly surprised how easily many things can be accomplished in The Kingdom of Thailand.  The country has a complicated system (mainly due to language barriers and comprehension issues for foreigners) should you manage your own time and not rush the process it will be economically, emotionally & mentally affordable!

After you have read through all the details and understood the basics, should you feel the need for professional advice, you may search for an experienced, & qualified consultant to help you in your own country, or you may search on the internet, see your options & shop around for an accredited & registered law-firm that could manage all your requirements for you!

A fool & his money are soon parted, so please choose your re-location, foreign investment partner very wisely.

Stated below are only a few justifications why foreigners should invest in Thaialnd. – For more specific details – send an email to our London, England office –



Thailand is a connecting hub for many countries similar to Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Doha, London etc.  Due to this Thailand has a massive tourist economy and transient population. If you google the number of visitors to Thailand last year alone you will understand why it was the 2nd most visited country for tourism. In 2024 those appreciated forecasted figures are almost crossed as the influx of tourists is rapidly increasing.

With new visa policies to engage long-term technocrat residents as well as be a paradise retirement destination due to its excellent medical tourism and health care the real-estate market has silent grown into a sleeping giant that has now awoken to challenge the cap-ex spend of the MENA investors. Infact it has been so impressive that a shift of money from the Russiand & then Chinese economies flooded in & is countinuingto appreciate monthly.  Yes! Monthly!

Most of the foreign real-estate investors in Thailand that had inital faith in this economy were the Russians, Japanese, Koreans, & Chinese.  Since the past 12 odd months expressions of interests have been flooding so heavily that companies like Keller Williams solidified their own presence here.

On a macro-economic level, the country does not only rely upon its tourist economy.  The other pipe-lines for commerce and trade that are rapidly appreciating are the fishing, manufacturing, education, tech industry, and of course the agricultural sector and farming industry.

Following a vision of acceptance, humility & diversity the country changed it’s laws for the betterment of mankind and for medical and pharmaceutical research purposes declared the country green.

Silently, even the most conservative bug guns in the tobacco world globally started to raise their eyebrows when they confirmed the unbelievable rates of quick returns with virtually no diminishing liabilities in this new Cannabis farming industry.  One by one they came, & foreign investment is still flooding into this extremely silent yet high-yielding legal business vertical.

This next bit might make you also question what I am bout to say, but do read on. I have been enslaved in the middle-east. Yup! That is one of the realities of owning your own business in the MENA region. You never really do!  Irrespective of what anyone says, there is a hidden reality that nobody talks about… until they leave. If you can’t meet the demands – you face incarceration!

In Thailand the culture and religion is based upon a higher understanding of people and it’s predominant religion Buddhism.  In Thailand you cannot “buy’ importance here, you have to earn your own acceptance in a perfect eco-system deigned to help everyone succeed. 

If you do have the courage to unlearn your old habits and open yourself to understanding the ethos behind how the Thai people work and think.  This country could be a fantastic place to call home and keep getting a lucrative appreciating passive or residual income once you retire.

Please understand that if you desire to invest or relocate to Thailand, there is no rush, take your time, plan your finances, make logical choices, don’t care about what worked for anyone else, just follow the law and do your own research & refer to the government for all information that you feel needs verification.

The Kingdom of Thailand’s government staff is always willing and eager to help foreigners that don’t take shortcuts and help people who choose an honest and straight path.

If you come to Thailand and I am also here let’s have a cup of coffee and say Sawadeekah (Hello) to each other!  Stay Blessed and do check out this fantastic country!

An, always keep this in mind that, "a positive mindset always attracts 'more' opportunities"!


Should you require any specific information, the author recommends that you FIRST visit the official website of the Kingdom of Thailand’s Board of Investment. & read through the website in detail, slowly twice!

The Board of Investment’s website is extremely detailed and very articulately answers any and all questions any foreigner would have with regard to any and all commercial activities that may or may not be conducted by foreigners in Thailand.

If you would like to talk more in dept – do reach out!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

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For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail

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