
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


There is a saying… “God invented man… Man invented technology… Technology killed God… “ I remember the time when I used to run around and play cricket or if given permission my excitement was to cycle to the market and get stuff. I remember the time when in Ramadan my friends and I used to meet up and our entertainment was two broken chairs and a cricket bat and a ball… I remember the time when the game hide and go seek meant something… Aaah those were the innocent days of freedom…

Today I am a trapped rat surrounded by chains of technology – the perfect example could be a victim of the horror movie hell raiser… I am bound by those chains which feed my vanity and even though I try I could probably sever ties with a family member but if anyone stole my mobile I would have a major coronary.

Now as I look back I remember it all started with the concept of Paktel and Instaphone. The minute democracy started its revenge upon Pakistan these bricks that defined our position in society became essential. The media helped too infernal shaheen tv network started the ball rolling and boom Indus networks started with the popular so called freedom of satellite television… As the illusion of freedom became the war cry we did not pay attention to the small caption which declared that technology was a passport to the enslavement of all Pakistanis…

Today if you want to find your husband cheating on you, get the dirt on an ex-boss who you feel has not re-payed you what he borrowed or dif into the coffins and find out how big a virgin your wife was then look no further… People today have an obnoxious disregard for integrity of the internet or cellular highways… social networking sites such as face book google applications and the very mobile connections you use can help pinpoint in which bathroom you are sitting on what street in what country… doing… let’s leave that up to your imagination. If you are insecure about getting kidnapped then stop posting your daily schedule on black berry messenger – if you don’t want the credit card people finding you then for crying out loud stop posting your latest pictures in Bangkok with the entire office at a go go bar.

The funny thing is that people want to blame technology but that is highly ridiculous. If you use technology smartly then you will not wind up a cyber freak junkie who’s only fix is to see online how many cows were milked on a virtual farm… By posting ridiculous information be it serious or humorous… you paint a profile as to your likes – dislikes – sexual preferences and religious beliefs… Unwanted friends often add to your closet attractions by unwittingly adding pictures of you a few years ago (when you were wild) with someone with something not so legal in a not so legal position doing something completely illegal thereby getting you sacked from your legal job and having an immense amount of explaining to do to your legal counsel whilst trying to make the best of a terrible situation with your legally wedded significant other…

So in short be careful of what you put out there and if you can – disconnect your personal life from your professional life and definitely from the world… People love misery more than achievement so leave those stories to be told by Holly Wood and bollywood…

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