
Friday, June 20, 2014


How to easily impress a Recruiter / Head Hunter?

Basically I am a salesman therefore I also sell people so I am a "recruiter" and here are a few tips to help you in impressing that head hunter for your desired position that you may want!  If this blog makes sense to you then you will use it as a tool to re-write your own credentials and stand out from the crowd of people out there who apply for that same position that you need!

In the global workforce today, we all (96% of us) work or seek employment simply because we have to or are forced to!  If we don’t work then we do not have the ability to put food on the table!  The rest of the 4% that love to work and enjoy going to work every morning are called entrepreneurs like me, BUT we have our own set of problems! 

In any business vertical today every employee spends at least 3 minutes if not thinking then scouring the web and news groups to look for a better job and more pay!  There is nothing wrong with that at all but with the amount of CV’s being forwarded the real question you need to ask your self is very simple!  “Is my CV or Resume being read?”

As a recruiter or head hunter I get really bugged when people cannot differentiate between a resume and a CV (curriculum vitae).  Before I ramble on here’s the difference between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV).  (Mainly it is the length, what is included and what each is used for.)

A resume basically is a ONE page summary or brief of your skills, experience and education. It should not be more than ONE page long! 

A curriculum vitae (CV) is a longer (at least two pages) and a more detailed synopsis of your achievements.  This document should include a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details.  In the west, a curriculum vitae is used primarily when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants. 

However here in Pakistan, us head hunters or recruiters receive not only a curriculum vitae but an entire booklet with so much information from so many people that it becomes impossible to go through it all immediately and lengthy documents often get put aside for later reading when one might have time. 

If the document is a resume, which is short and to the point and highlights attributes for that key position that I am looking for then I will run through it first! 

My suggestion is to write out your own resume and NOT have anyone else do it for you!  Nobody can sell your self better than you so you should take the time out and write one for your self!  If you cannot sell yourself on paper then how will you stand a chance in an interview!

When you write a resume make sure that you are to the point and brief!  No long explanations only what you have done! So here are the key elements of what you should put into your resume.
Beyond this you do not need to add anything!  
Further to this one should know that headhunters and recruiters take more interest when a person has the ability to display a focus on one career path rather than be a jack of all trades!  The only people who have some freedom in displaying diversity in business vertical experience are sales people and that too at the lower retail end! 

Make sure you have an email address that you keep as a separate one for your job-hunts!  Web based ones are ok but please make sure you have decent email address and avoid using ones like given in the examples (sarasalesdestroyer@ / imrancutee69@ / kool_luckeewife@ / awesomemullah786@) get my point?

When you email your resume please ensure that you write the position you are applying for in the subject line as recruiters get so many applications that it is a nightmare to figure out what position one is actually applying for!

In the body of the email write down 2 – 3 lines of why you are perfect for the job.  No need to go into long discussions just something short and to the point!

Make sure your full name as on the resume along with email and cellphone are in the signature!

Lastly make yourself a LinkedIn profile like mine here and make sure you mention it in the resume so that people can also search for you on the web.  Your LinkedIn profile should actually be your curriculum vitae which is detailed and more informative about you!

Following up on a resume is perfectly normal and it is recommended that one should check after 5 working days via email!   When you do follow up please continue with the original email you have sent and re-attach the resume AGAIN!

It is normal and acceptable to follow up at least 3 times on email (each time 5 days apart)

If you do not get any response then after that you should give a call to the recruiter / head hunter during office hours only!  As this is professional avoid using their cellphones and stay professional!

If you are lucky enough to get a response then don’t ask or display desperation by saying the following 
  1. kitna paisa milay ga? (what is the pay?)
  2. kitnee jaldi aa jaaon interview kay liyay? (when can i come for the interview?)
  3. do NOT give personal sob stories just stay professional and give to the point answers
You can however ask a recruiter
  1. Where is the job based?
  2. What are the Terms of Reference? (as in is the job contractual or permanent or third party hiring) 
  3. May I have a detailed Job Description?
  4. If you would like to know more may I send you a detailed curriculum vitae or (CV)?
  5. What will be the next step and by when will you let me know about being called for an interview? 
  6. If you get a timeframe then ask for an OFFICE number and a good time and DATE to follow up with the recruiter / head hunter!

That’s it! Good luck and I hope your resume stands out from everyone else’s! 

Incase you are wondering why I wrote this then you should know that I am a salesman and over the course of 23 years that I have been working I have held 328 (three hundred and twenty eight) jobs with different companies so can you imagine what it took to write 328 different resumes!  I think I know how to sell people because I know how to sell me!

If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please... 
To work with me connect with me on Linked In -
If you would like to contact me for a free consultation, please directly email me at - 

Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you!  If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web.  If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014


If you are thinking about adopting a child you need to read this!  If you are an Adopted parent or child then you definitely need to read this!

People adopt a child because they feel that it will make up for a psychological or emotional imbalance that they have in their lives when it comes to parenting!  A lot of people who do adopt a child have not had the luxury of being told the following few things!  By the time they realize these few things it is too late because the imbalance has become a rocky, turbulent sea of emotional volatile problems that cannot be controlled!

FIRST let’s understand the fact that people who adopt a child will LOVE that child more than a birth parent would! The reason is that they have so many expectations of themselves and of that child that when they do not come true the feel very disappointed and guilt is a major factor they have to deal with all their lives!   You see love turns to hate (mostly of one’s self because you cannot hate what you call a child)

To avoid any disappointments later parents that want to adopt are strongly advised to try to find out the origination of the child!  At least to some extent one can be prepared for hereditary behavioral traits so that they don’t get surprises as parents claim.  To simplify this before you get a puppy you want to know the nasal or the blood line or for that matter when a couple gets married these days it is very common to take blood tests for both the boy and the girl to know if there are any hidden diseases or DNA strands that would carry genetic ailments over.  Oh yes nowadays pregnant moms also get tests done during pregnancy to find out if the fetus will have downs syndrome or not!  So why not find out where your would be child will come for and prepare yourself before hand!

LEGALLY you need to protect yourself and your child because under Shariah or Islamic Law that child cannot be a mehrum and rights of succession including ancestral lineage is null and void.   When you have adopted your child you MUST write out a living will and testament to show that out of free will and in sane mind you have protected your child’s future and this is a document that will act as force majeure in the case you have relatives come out of the wood works should you un expectedly die!

DEALING WITH AN ADOPTED CHILD you need to first sit down and drink a glass of water and calm down as your emotions will always be at a high when this child is involved! Rather than focusing on the child’s success you will struggle subconsciously to avoid failure yourself as a parent!  Success or failure is defined by how you look at the world and what you set your boundaries to define for you! For one STOP comparing because it’s not about you and it’s about the child!  Today more adopted children deal with it easily because society has un raveled the cocoon of hypocrisy to a huge extent!   It is the progressive parents that refuse to stop clutching at the conservative strings of yesterday that often add to the problems and have their own issues of dealing with the fact that their child is adopted!

LOVE – With any child any amount of love bestowed is not enough! Just multiply that with infinity when it comes to dealing with an adopted child because you have to factor in the insecurities of the parents as well!  When a child is born it may have inbred character traits but its behavior can and will change as it will only become what environment it grows up in!  A child does not know hate and it learns to resent what it sees as a normal form of behavior!  If you have an adopted child or are thinking of adopting one you need to understand that you first need to get a grip on the reality of your own insecurities in the here and the now before taking that step!

EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED – Not one of us is a prophet and none of us have the ability to predict what will happen or who will die next!  As we all believe in some form of God we should have faith and confidence in our own upbringing and rather than focus on the negativity of what might happen we should use love and try to make the right things happen!  One cannot and should not stereotype a child as it always happens because a child only becomes what the parents present to it as an environment in the first 5 (five years) of its life!  Once a child learns something it cannot and will not unlearn it like you or me so we need to focus on what the child learns rather than spend an entire lifetime trying to get the spilt milk back in the glass and living with regret that will lead to some form of venomous behavior from within us parents!

UNCONDTIONAL LOVE – is what everyone needs!  However we put a price tag on all our relationships and this can be in the form of a first position in class or a winning a swimming trophy!  Frankly the kids don’t have issues… if you go to a sports day you will se the parents are the ones taking selfies with their iphones and the kids trophies!  Guys come on it’s about the kids and not how well you have done as a parent so relax!  Sadly this emotional piracy happens with parents who are the birth parents of their own kids but the Adopted parents take failure much harder!

WHAT WILL HAPPEN – Adopted children ALL of them are the best liars!  The reason for this is that they have been raised in their formative years believing a lie about who their parents are! When they find out the truth it is the biggest set of problems and a definite game changer that will send an open and happy go lucky child into a never ending tunnel of insecurity that will force the child to lie to themselves!  In doing so these children also witness the confused reactions of their own parents who themselves have not been prepared for the truth of this reaction so the child starts using the creative side of their brain to think up solutions for problems that should have NOT existed.  Adopted children if lied to will become the most creative and convincing story tellers because in the formative years of their lying they need to convince themselves that they are ok!  They hide their pain and further resentment faced by their parents for not being perfect so this does play its self out in aggressive or totally passive traits that might label the child as a sociopath!

FORGIVENESS – in order to adopt a child you need closure with your own internal issues!  You need to clear the problems of not being able to conceive as parents and you need to complete support of your own securities and happiness!  A child, any child is a symbol of love so if it landed in your lap you are the luckiest person because you did not have to go through the nine months of pain!  However you need to balance your own sins and forgive yourself and just love yourself first before you love that child!  The world was and is not a nice place an nobody will be nice to you so accept that and rather than trying to focus on raising the perfect child – focus on being the perfect parent!  NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO neither the child nor the parent will never do it right no matter what!  So accept that and learnt to forgive and most of all FORGET!  At least you will be able to find closure to move on in life!

THE CURE – if you want to adopt a child or are a parent then you need to calm down! Rather than looking to shift any blame for what you tried to do as right one needs to realize that a child no matter what is an individual!  Yes you need to learn how to deal with such problems BUT THERE IS NO PERFECT BOOK ON PARENTING!  There never will be because each child is different and so is every parent!  The best thing one can do is find a person or an audience to listen to them and come up with positive solutions as a group that will provide the nurturing environment for both the parent and the child right from the day they are handed to you from their mothers’ wombs!

Yes in case you are wondering I am an adopted child!

If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please... 
To work with me connect with me on Linked In -
If you would like to contact me for a free consultation, please directly email me at - 

Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you!  If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web.  If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write!

Friday, May 16, 2014


The next world war will be fought by technology and the side that has the latest and best information will win!  That is a given!  (Drone attacks, Heloooo!)  The Telco industry is the biggest consumer of media time and branding space everywhere and is always in a spastic race to keep up with the world!  Whilst the Japanese & Koreans are comfortable with 5G we are just babies getting adjusted to 3G and the diaper rashes that go along with any new support system we get!

Pakistan sadly has always been a follower due to its internal politics and PTA has done anything but been proactive or beneficial to the business world!   3G / 4G is NOT everywhere and the northern areas still have connectivity issues when the lights go out because someone switched on an extra A/C in either the Prime Ministers Secretariat or Aiwan E Saddar.  We cannot simply afford to be disconnected today but yet we are the most useless country when it comes to implementing fail safe measures to protect this valuable treasure!   Over 17 NDC’s and still we rely on the parchi system to get the message across due to various reasons.

Telenor was the first Telco when it launched to give you Tower Tagging! In your nokia 1110 you got to know that you are being robbed of your mobile at either Punjab Chowrangi or in Blue Area, Islamabad!  BUT we still as a nation do not endorse Navigation systems in our vehicles because we are afraid that someone might know where the obvious lies.  So to be dreadfully honest we can all agree that the system sucks and if there is a world war 3 then the first thing that will be done will be that your cellphones will go off when you need them the most!

Many years ago I was part of the first call center! It was at central coffee house opposite the Metropole!  We were doing very well for a couple of weeks until the cops came knocking and arrested us for “treason” because we were looting the exchequer.  (Grey Traffic)  A few phone calls and a few thousand rupees later we were free and oddly enough the PSEB started cashing in on this and started giving call center and local loop licenses!  Do you remember how the Red Tone chaps got raided in F8 Islamabad and after a few nights in thana their tone was purple rather than red!  In our dishonesty we presented a con man image anyways so we never got any business and the amount that we got also ran away across the border!

As time evolved Nokia got squashed and along popped up another corporate war between two giants like the cola wars (Samsung & Apple) as platforms like voice over IP was more frequently used and the birth of Skype Viber Vonage Face Time and many other services like magic jack the Telcos who had invested a lot started losing mad money!   

The largest Taxpayers in the country were sour and made it miserable for everyone when they whined about bills and pulling their foreign investments! After a deadlock with the government they left them thinking “So now what to do” when they kept delaying the 3G license auction!  In this time the PTA had its own issues to find a scape goat with enough credibility who would rock the foundations and sing along so that the foreign investment would not stop!  After much ado they found someone and then in board rooms after boring themselves they decided to be “original” for once and decided to place a ban on any ISP / Telco with dire consequences should the Not block ports 8891 (onwards) & ports 5060 (onwards) – Don’t we get a feeling that we need to look towards the MENA region for the source of such original inspiration!
  1. If you are an Apple user its in your face baby because you just lost facetime!
  2. If you use any vonage like device get yourself a call center license because magic jack Isn’t so magic anymore! (Tons of cash to be made there)
  3. Majority of your voice over Ip softwares like Viber will give lags and issues and you will blame your Telco eventually forcing you to make a direct call thus increasing your cellular and land line billing!
  4. You get my point! 

I am pretty sure you must be having signal issues on your voice calls and delayed SMS messages! This is not because there is a 3G upgrade going on!  It is because there are severe termination routing issues that are being sorted thanks to PTA!  Why is it that we take one step forward supposedly only to realize the hidden con somewhere in the middle!  Why are we destined to destroy any form of progress in this country?

If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please... 
To work with me connect with me on Linked In -
If you would like to contact me for a free consultation, please directly email me at - 

Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you!  If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web.  If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write!

Monday, May 5, 2014


As we all believe that there was an Adam & an Eve and that cannot be questioned.

I wish that they would have been Korean, Vietnamese or Chinese because they would have forgotten about the Apple of Sin and eaten the bloody snake instead!  

In any government there is always politics from within that one needs to be aware of before fighting the external band of hungry vagabonds that are out to destroy you!  In every government you have those who due to their own vanity and cowardice stab you in the back because they rely upon their own selfish quick agendas)

At the KG Club one knows only too well what jealousy, vanity and greed has done to the club we found safe for our kids, when we were kids!  Members (ironically I love the word) only know too well how they get phone calls and messages when election time comes around!  

What is so progressive in the form of anything achieved so far is that everyone plays politics behind hidden agendas and veils of dishonest smiles from within?

KG members are the first to stand in line at the gates of the Provincial Club as well as along the creek to Keamari so that their wives can throw off the Abaya for 5 hours and enjoy what they only get in abroad for a couple of days! (a supposedly safe environment)

The paradise the election contender seek in this false  piety is so ridiculously & negatively hypocritical because of everyone's hidden agenda's.  Every management wins the election on its ability to better barter supposed hidden deals where there is financial gain.  

However, the members are ok with that BUT not stupid and really upset at being repeatedly defrauded by the same elected MC for not delivering quality and a complete display of deterioration on multiple levels that also include the physical infrastructure of the club buildings themselves.

The seven deadly sins are what has killed man repeatedly!  What is the point of trying to hurt each other when the effects will fall out on the younger generation that will suffer!  

Personally for me every year I avoid physically visiting the club from October till January (after elections) - the weather is great at that time of the year BUT those vultures that ignore members for the entire year are out to befriend you and harass you on WhatsApp and every digital platform for a simple vote.

Firstly I find it unethical that these vultures start dialogs on bashing the present management - (not only that, they get immensely personal and drag the candidates personal lives / own business interest flaws etc. in order to present them selves as the best choice.)  

As per our inherent desi nature t take everything for granted they all know that canvassing is against the regulations yet they blatantly do it openly defaming anything and anyone in any form of opposition.

I am a career salesman and I have succeeded more in my sales over 31 years by displaying my own prowess and attributes and solid thought out documented strategies.  I find it disgusting that NONE of these clowns (candidates) have ANY form of written down and documented manifesto to depict a solid action and financial plan for their own tenure.  Rather than try to win on positivity it is disgusting how one sees the hidden agendas based upon revenge on the management that will change etc. 

I really wish that candidates stop telling me about women at the pool losing their privacy so they MUST have one million or ten million or whatever for some ridiculous purpose 

I wish that every candidate for president and his or her party would just document a solid plan and share it with all the members and simply let them decide - (no ne is an idiot) 

Today the club is a disgrace and it is an unpleasant toxic environment to socialize in due to the simple fact that we have a rule book - BUT NOBODY WANTS TO STICK TO THE RULES IN THE BOOK  

When people ask me what I think about the situation at the club is and an opinion on its environment my reply is simple and the best analogy I give is - It is an environment where "All animals are equal BUT 'some' animals are MORE equal than others!" - (Quote - 'Animal Farm' - George Orwell)

If this club needs to survive in this evolving world - someone needs to STOP being emotional - present solid plans and have solid execution policies to run the club with backups and failsafe measures documented and presented to the members 

I am sure this would be respected more than gossip & emotional nonsense.  

If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please... 
To work with me connect with me on Linked In -
If you would like to contact me for a free consultation, please directly email me at - 

Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you!  If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web.  If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write!

Sunday, April 20, 2014


Exactly four years ago today, I woke up at 5 in the morning lying in a hospital bed praying that my heart stop beating or someone mistakenly kill me by giving me the wrong medication.  I was bedridden was relying upon people to feed, clean and wipe me down and had to face a permanent spine disorder & my girlfriend of 11 years and then wife of 5 years took a khula because she did not want to do time with someone who might not recover mentally and physically.   I was suicidal, depressed, my business failed and my parents bailed me out from the people I owed money to the only other problem I had was that my limbs refused to move so I could not kill myself! 

So in one line “Mother Nature took a massive dump on my life and the “Allah” that I believed in all my life was not talking back to me or giving me any form of hope!”  Slowly, as I became a bit mobile I got on the internet but disconnected from everyone because only one of my so called friends came to see me regularly and spent time cheering me up!  I hated life my positivity was replaced by new found bitterness for everything and I had developed the following skills / triats,
1. To be able to utilize my time effectively as I was going nowhere (literally)
2. To be able to listen to people and understand their needs (it’s amazing how you look at life when you are numb from pain killers)
3. To be able to respect the little people (I mean sweepers, ward boys, nurses etc. who got paid shit and whom we take for granted!) 
One day after checking my emails, I found myself on Twitter. One of the tweets took me to an article about this new thing called whatsapp on TechCrunch. That article took me to coding blogs, where I discovered you can actually learn how to code.  A few months later I was back home in bed writing code for a VOIP solution as I still had problems walking when I was disrupted by a call from a friend of mine (who had just gotten back from tha You Kay after five years). During the call, I realized that day was actually the birthday of another friend of mine so I reconnected on Facebook where the top post on my news feed was about what a loser I was and had vanished having eaten up some ones money. (Whilst hospitalized my parents cleared that due) 
With bitterness and anger fueling me but limited mobility and still partially suicidal somehow I overlooked everything and started focusing on getting me a job.  After I had no luck having pursued a blogging job I started coming up with a new startup ideas that to me could be much better than Viber, Napster etc. etc.! Soon, my mind was exploding with amazing ideas and I was exhausted.  
I was heavily into coding and as I had moved from a bed to a chair I was online 24 / 7 one day whilst coding Oh wait, I just saw another tweet. This time it was about “HOW TO bla bla bla IN bla bla bla STEPS.” That tweet took me to where I spent another...
OK, STOP! FU*K ME, I WAS A SELF PROCLAIMED BROKE WANNABE ENTREPRENEUR.   But it was 4 a.m., the middle of the night, and I had truly wasted another day doing nothing but jumping from one website to another.  I was still depressed & had a headache and felt so much pressure on my forehead. I was in bed with my cell phone logged into Facebook. That day, Three years ago, I decided to change the way I work because I was finally so fed up with the one thing that made me fail over and over again:  
I was the distracted miserable guy jumping from one website to another, from one idea to another, while getting absolutely nothing done. Oh, I also found it cool to call myself an entrepreneur.  Bad Time Management, Distraction and the inability to focus on things are the new illnesses of our generation of entrepreneurs.  I realized that there is too much noise, too much information overload. If you don’t start controlling your environment, you are destined to fail.  Of course I had my excuses such as:
“But I am an entrepreneur and I need to be inspired,”
“I need to learn new things if I want to become a successful entrepreneur,”
“I am just curious”

Yes, it’s true. We, the entrepreneurs, are curious. Actually, the problem is, we are so curious and critical about everything that we are constantly distracted while getting nothing done.

Here is what I did after that night that has since revolutionized my life:


Entrepreneurs are the smartest people I have ever met. I don’t think it’s just because they are born to be so, but also because they use their brains much more than their peers working in the corporate environment, who are usually checking the clock to call it a day and go home.

Use this to your advantage and control your life. It all sounds easy, but how will you implement them on a day-to-day basis? Here are my suggestions that helped me a lot:

Write a little to-do list while you are enjoying your coffee. On a piece of paper, write down the things you will get done that day. Key: Don’t over-target. Be realistic about what you can accomplish during a single day. Don’t turn your LAPPY OR MOBILE on until you finish your breakfast.

Don’t check your emails or Facebook/Twitter at least for the first two hours in the morning. This will revolutionize your workday. Don’t let an email or Facebook post control your day; let yourself be the power here.

Go offline. Literally. Use software’s like Anti-Social or Cold Turkey to block websites like Facebook or whatever you want to. I personally use Cold Turkey; it’s free and I block distracting websites for hours or I go completely offline (you can block your entire browser application such as Chrome) when I need to focus.

Disconnect & don’t bring any of your devices (PC, iPad, cell phone) to bed and change your focus by doing something other than your business. Read a book or socialize with friends. This is crucial for two reasons: First, for your creativity and keeping yourself fresh without burning yourself out. Second, for letting your body produce melatonin, which has been identified as an absolutely crucial sleep hormone. And blue light is the biggest enemy of melatonin. No matter what, control your environment. You are the smartest thing you have ever met. Use that.


Come on. It’s not rocket science. You are not looking for the love of your life. If you are reading this, I assume you have spent about 15 years on this planet and have at least an idea of what you like and what you don’t. Remember, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Discover what you are really passionate about and what you would change in your life or people’s lives. Think about what one thing you can do better than others, or how you could improve an existing problem.  I understand you need inspiration, but wasting a million days in a row jumping from one distracting website to another won’t help you find the idea of your life.

How do you make sure you’ve found that one single idea? Ask professionals (not khalas and Khalus) about their opinions!  Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. 
If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession.


Procrastination / waiting or deferring your start date has been the single most reason Entrepreneurs have failed over the past decade.  So stop the vicious cycle and just start. You will be impressed by how many people will contact you or will want to work with you once you begin. Scratch your idea onto a piece of paper (yes, just on a piece of paper) and walk out of your home. Talk to people.

By the way, get a life and stop that bullshit of, “What if they steal my idea?” Talk to as many people as you can. Let them steal it if they really will, but you will kick their ass because you conceived it.

Please also stop saying, “I need to find an investor.” How about making some sales first? Maybe you will even realize you don’t need to give any share of your business to an investor. Even if you really need an investor, by making some sales, you will have a stronger hand to play.

4. BE FOCUSED! Say no to other ideas: Keep doing one thing, and do it fu*king well

Just because you started working on your idea doesn’t mean you won’t meet distractions along the way. Your mind will be about to explode with all the ideas you can apply to your business, the many features you can add to your product, etc. 

Keep your focus. Say no to distracting ideas. If you keep doing that, another thing that will impress you will be the power of what you studied in your marketing book: word of mouth.  You will be truly impressed by the number of people coming back and asking for more work. Who cares about competition? You are just beating yourself. Isn’t that what matters in the end?

5. GO NUMB & DON’T CARE! Stop giving a fu*ck what other people think!

If you are an entrepreneur because you want to prove other people that you are successful, then please go back to step one above. Make sure you are following your passion because you have a vision and you are out to change something in this world. Otherwise, this will kill you. You will have difficulty focusing and you will keep being distracted because you won’t really be passionate about getting anything done.

I did the hardest thing and that was to focus on being a TOP salesman that had no education, could barely walk, zero trust factor and had to rely on mommy's car when available!  Today I have the ability to write my own paycheck because I am still not textbook educated and I had fallen so low that the only way to look down was to look up!  Yes people fought me and those who are jealous still do mock me and try to flood me with negativity but I get the last laugh because I work because I want to where as 98% of the people I know today work because they have to.  The day they stop working their lights and fans go off and they will be evicted from society but as an entrepreneur I live in a fortress of self-created security that i own!

One important thing to remember is that your destiny may be defined in the stars but you choose your fate of tomorrow daily by your immediate honest decisions and actions today! 

Now what? Stop wasting your time reading this blog and get your ass back to work.

If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please... 
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Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you!  If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web.  If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


Today priorities have changed and as I am a salesman these are the few things that I have listed that piss me off!  You might agree with me if not feel free to give your rebuttals…
01 Time is the most precious commodity today and people whilst working in top jobs have little or no time managements skills… they fart around the office on social media or in meetings (coffee parties) in bored (Pun intended) rooms and then sit till 10pm running the lights and fans and increasing the COGS of their employers trying to look busy but achieve fuck all because their minds are burnt out from procrastinating all day!

02 When some ittar clad, fake prada and Gucci knock off wearing social wannabe newbies arrive (age and sex does not matter)  in an entourage at any given venue – can be a mall super market or even a hospital or even sadder and open their doors but refuse to get off because they are in the midst of an important call to discuss what Kameena Lawn to buy or in the case of guys what Kameeni they will unscrew at night thus blocking up the entire traffic because they seriously think the world will not exist without them!
03 How people get upset when you ask them why they lied to you about being sick and broke and how their hangover is and if they want coffee for it because you saw the instagram & facebook posts along with foursquare checkins at some social elite club where they hosted an orgy of booze and horrible food to fit in with those who they aspire to be! 
04 Why the fuck do people call you up promising you an immense amount of business and fight you down for the penny on a bulk volume sale  for their company but at the end of the day they just want a discount on an iphone on 90 days credit which they will forget.
05 How someone calls you for a business quote in a friggin constant emergency – you feel like the guys bitchy wife has her legs up in the stirrups and is about to bring quadruplet puppies into this world and is crowning so he must have the cost NOW!  Once you give your cost the fucker vanishes and refuses t pick your call thus fucking your other professional relationships because in turn your people think you are being a Gandu and not responding!

06 Why people arrive at a social venue get off their cars stinking of newbie credit based wealth and make a hoo haa about why they were late due to work at 11pm at night because of some deal they were in the midst of closing…. Yet once again delaying everyone at the cinema because they have to make a fashionably late statement!

07 When you invite someone for an occasion they drink your free spirits and eat up what soul you present to them only to post on social media that the world should know they did you a favor by coming to your occasion because all they really wanted to do was work their way up the social ladder where otherwise they would never have been given the time of the day by those who really matter!
08 How people misconceive your politeness loyalty and affection and willingness to go out of your way for them as a sign of weakness and think they are irreplaceable and you cannot live without the company owned automobile they drive when in reality these narcissistic fucks really are not worth the time of day because they take you for granted and if you stopped picking up their phones it would not matter because they would find another nipple to suckle on where they would do the same thing to someone else!

09 When you stop giving someone the respect of the time or picking up their calls they bitch about how terrible you are forgetting the fact that they have over a period of time tested your patience and sanity by displaying no integrity or respect to you at all so honesty really does even come in here!  All they have as a weapon is to play the innocent victim card!

10 How people expect you to remember their birthdays and important occasions but take little or no interest in what is going on in your life only what they can benefit from yon immediately and that too without paying for it!   The sad thing is everyone insults your intelligence and if you overlook it because you want to keep a relationship they call you a chutia in public!

This is what society has come down to today where we live in a world where we can get the most out of everyone forgetting basic values because we are in some form of debt…  People to get ahead lie and trample on the lives of others thus stripping themselves of any form of humanity so when they pray five times a day it makes me wonder “what soul are they trying to save?”

If you need to contact me or wish to befriend me then please... 
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Disclaimer! - The opinions I post are my own and I do not intend to hurt or offend you!  If you cannot allow me my freedom of thought then you have the right to voice an opinion and navigate away on the web.  If you follow my blog I thank you as it’s quite ridiculously entertaining...that is if you like what & how I write!