
Monday, August 19, 2024




Presented here are the thoughts of a person that is a career sales professional with 34 years of work experience under the belt & with a proven success track record on an international level & has survived, understood as well as has dominance in this industry in many ways. & these are his own personal thoughts shared with society that are, justified through personal experiences. – You have a right to differ with the author’s opinion & those will NOT be challenged at all as everyone has a right to their own way of thinking which is unique in its own way.

The author expects each and everyone in the marketing vertical to react negatively & patiently awaits the back-lash & criticism behind an alternative reality presented here.

The language used is simple so that a common man can understand the message behind the text with clarity.


Revenue Generation is a complicated mix of elements that need to be specifically custom-tailored for each business individually and a unique solution applies to each and every one separately.

Had the theories that are still taught to date in the famous text books such as Kotler’s whilst in the pursuit of a Master’s in Business Administration at IVY League Business schools been perfect then the world  today would not be in economic disarray.

One must understand that it takes two hands to clap and today’s problem of a diminishing income and survival of a rapidly appreciating rate of inflation globally are also one of the main factors to have also pushed us all into this bitter state of affairs.



Business in the past was done in an old school way where relationships mattered and so did the ethos behind the education & values instilled through the academic world.

Up until 1990, irrespective of global politics or socio-economic reasons, the business world remained more or less unaffected and could exist on a somewhat productive level and focused on optimization.

Globally, the workforce had loyalty to the employer and believed in career choices when entering the job market.  That was an innocent time because there was little or no stress at all and people had an amazing balance between a family life and a personal life.

In and around 1990 when the internet (forget technology) became publicly available, people really did not know what to do with it – MiRc, Napster (Sean Parker – Facebook) Orkut obliterated the definitions of what society was used to as everyone became more aware and started confronting the norms.

Due to this increasing flow of information taboo matters & subjects such as the always closeted LGBTQ movement gained so much acceptance, that in certain countries where death the death penalty was imposed the laws were amended to adhere to a new world where one never knew its exact future.

Another perfect example is the United States for doing an almost complete 180 degree turn around on their controlled substance policy. Today, within the US legal system and the Department of Justice the majority of people in prisons that have an appeal for dismissal of charges, or a reversal on their convictions of are those that were in possession (NOT Distribution) of a controlled substance at that time.  Todayl that same subbstance which they are incarcerated for is legal and openly farmed within the country’s own borders, known as Cannabis or Marijuana.

Basically, the internet and a free-flow of information to society is something that it has not been able to manage responsibly even today.


The impact of technology upon the Business world has been positive yet disastrous also!  In trying to simplify things and a hyper focus on efficiency (basically cost-cutting) the first impact was the dismissal of essential support staff in the business world that were gate-keepers that could think such as secretaries, travel-desks, or other peripheral staff that is essential.

Over time, slowly replacing the human element and eventually replacing it with technology gave birth to the customer support industry!  One only needs a customer support team because matters are beyond control and they need to be fixed immediately or the impact upon the present ROI of a business can be affected and it did.

As technology evolved and more focus was upon the ability to make more money people stopped focusing on humanity and forget religion, they were only fueled by the lust and greed of capitalism in it’s purist form.

Let's simplify & justify all the above in the following Four sentences...

  • God created mankind with the element of ‘Humanity’
  • Mankind created ‘Technology’ & became enslaved to it!
  • Technology & Capitalism destroyed ‘Humanity’ within people…
  • God was eventually forgotten, even the old-school religious beliefs became diluted & the  conflicts within society increased!

And that’s the simple truth of the matter!


After the Internet revolution and its impact upon the world as explained above.  People started to go into a regressive mode as far as the global economies were concerned.

IVY League fresh graduates often came up with perfect hypothetical scenarios that promised the illusion of financial nirvana. The cost was that the businesses all had to invest more money into their amazing and colorful pitch decks, and they further went into red on their books as these funds had to be borrowed or secured capital equities were required to be pledged at ridiculously high interest rates.

The IVY league degrees and the social Demi-God status was clearly evident to me when I consulted for an international organization.  I headed the sales and launch.  The marketing superstar was an eloquent chap who could even sell snow to me on a polar ice-cap.

My protests went unheard, and the plan followed was what the gentleman had displayed so beautifully through his presentations etc.

The end result was that the launch only made a big bang in the market but fire-crackers burn out and it was short-lived & the company suffered. This cheeky character during the roll-out was attending job interviews & on the basis of the cosmetic potential of his not yet successfully executed campaign jumped ship to another higher ticket salary.

He blamed everyone absolved himself stating that he presented facts and the BOD made the choice & legally he was technically right so nobody could do anything to him.

Under court-order a NDA was signed, the company suffered, it’s PR suffered, the share-holders lost money & the company still had to get back what was spent – only at that point did it dawn upon them  that it really was not an investment after all!



Are mostly academics!  They possess the best theoretical knowledge that money can buy and come from within the strata of society where their background and upbringing is more comfortable than others because education no matter where you get it from costs a lot of money that any parent can understand only!

To deliver success, a business has to not only invest financially into the marketeer at hand but, also emotionally to their never-ending demands for cash injections into the pipeline to get business.

Everything presented as a positive outcome financially is based upon theories and unwarranted third party surveys or third party focus-groups etc. Marketeers need an entire support system that is extremely expensive to function.  We are NOT talking about delivery of success here!

Sales People – (Me!)

George Orwell very rightfully stated in the book Animal Farm that “Some Animals are ‘More’ equal than others!”

And we can see that even today, ever since technology and a weird sense of greed took over people like me that bring actual value to the table in the form of cash into the company are dis-respected even today!

Us sales people may not embellish fancy placards from expensive universities.  We know what will sell and how to sell it.  The reason is we walk the streets, we know the ground realities that are blurred t o the stake-holder that are invested by the promises & illusions of fancy well-illustrated marketing plans.  

Due to the possession of that one single peice of printed paper they bestow their trust and faith on what is shown on a screen.

The paper is an accolade, but it does not endorse an actual understanding of the brutal ground market's buying potenttial and realities that only a constantly under-pressure sales person can empathize with. 

The managements of company’s still do not invest in their sales team they play games with them and use all forms of fancy words that basically say, give us your most valuable commodity "Time" but we will pay you if you bring money??? - They are looking for financial surity of performance but they want to leave the main person bring the money into the business in a state of perptual insecurity.

It's weird that these wise old business-men run to doctors and they quietly pay what a doctor says in advance as their health matters the most - Sad that they don't look athe health of their business in the same way and give it the due respect required!

It's sad that people do not realize that the ridiculously high salaries to marketeers need not be paid as Sales People are the ones feeding the entire business and its stake holders and keep the lights on both, at home and in the work environment – Sales people add direct cash immediate relief & appreciate the value of any business– Sales Professionals don’t ask for millions with a hope to maybe get something back! Only Respect Professionally & Financially! 

What is wrong with asking for the same things that you have been giving to the illusionists all this time, that has bled you dry financially?

Today, I openly challenge any IVY league marketeer with an MBA to give me a flawless plan for the success of any company in any business vertical. 

Leave me alone for not more than 10 minutes by the clock (timed) I will demonstrate how I surgically dissect through my experience in sales how that approach will not work and only impact the company further negatively. 

The Business owner will get it instantly as it is his own money on the line and his focus will only be on the ROI & COGS of their business.  Not drama!

Sales People – (How to get the best out of your Sales Team!)

Secure us, you pay your marketing truck load of money, yet you expect us to work off commissions to fix your self-created cash-flow issues – Give us the security of a fixed pay-check like you do to those in Marketing.  Daddy gave them everything they have, we earned our respect (street credibility)

If our compensation is secure we can focus on helping you get out of Survival Mode – if you put us in the same situation – this world is getting more and more complicated – you will only lose more time and enslave yourself for further future pain as why do we need to invest in insecurity with you when we have families to feed also!

Give us the Respect we deserve or move out of the way; this world needs people like us and our value and need is growing more every day as the peice of the pie left is diminishing!

  1. Trust Honesty & Respect are on a mutual basis.
  2. There is a huge difference between, innocence, unawareness & stupidity

Ok! Marketeers!  Bring it on! - I haven't had sushi in a long time

Hit me up and let me help you attain your business objectives!  Thank you for reading so far!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bi-Polar Disorder - The Essentials

Bi-Polar Disorder - The Essentials!


Presented here are the thoughts of a person that has survived the past 5 decades living with Bi-Polar Disorder & these are his own personal thoughts shared with society that are, justified through personal experiences. – You have a right to differ with the author’s opinion & those will NOT be challenged at all as everyone has a right to their own way of thinking which is unique in its own way.

The author himself, is a person diagnosed with the disease and does not possess any medical or clinical experience in mental health or wellness at all.

The language used is simple so that a common man can understand the message behind the text with clarity.


People believe that Bi-Polar Disorder is genetically passed down a family!  That is a clinically proven fact!  

However, excessive and even recreational use of mind-altering substances such as, but not limited to Heroin, Cocaine, MDMA, ICE can also be a leading factor in a person developing Bi-Polar Disorder.


Bi-Polar Disorder is a disease that impacts upon the judgement of an entire family, as it is exhausting trying to figure out what is exactly wrong with someone, they desperately love and yet are failing to save!

After years of frustration and being mis-led a person gives up, mostly and causes more harm than good and everyone has an opinion.

The best thing to do is rely upon an honest medical system that is not corrupt and trust in what your doctors say only!  They have no hidden personal vested interest as they are paid to be on your side!

Do not rely upon the perceptions of relatives as their emotions are always tainted towards their own version of what is best for you.  (But it is all emotional mostly and not fact)  


If your family tells you that you are a problem then accept that first. – This is a reality! You must face it and go through it!

People will tell you all sorts of things, simply rely on what a doctor says.  That it is! I am not qualified to opine on any treatment procedures and what has worked for me which I will elaborate upon below.

One of the major behavior traits of a person with Bi-Polar Disorder is mis-trust.  It is a fact and does not need to be justified.


Bi-Polar Disorder has NO cure.  The reason is that even if you are a recovering addict and you have it or it has been passed down to you it is in your DNA. Bi-Polar Disorder has no specific gene marker that can be identified in the medical science world that is the primary cause for the disease.

The treatment consists of many factors. First is a very complicated mix of getting the medications correct.  Every allopathic that you ingest does have a chemical side effect and the mix has to be managed with surgical precision. Only your doctor knows what to do. Forget everyone else’s banter!

Secondly, a strong emotional support team to help you build your life they way that You need it to be.  Rely on them. They have no emotion attached and are trained professionally. They are paid to help you and not your enemies!  You are the patient. Everyone else is emotional drama.

Thirdly strict discipline, time management on your part for the medication and your routine visits to the same doctor.  Once you are comfortable with your medical practitioner never change that Doctor under any circumstances no matter what anyone opines.

Fourth and last, if you have the disease you need to lead a very stress-free life and within yourself release yourself from any expectations from anyone but yourself. You have spent your whole life blaming people and trying to be accepted, now it's time to own up and walk away from a past you cannot change. 

The last one is the toughest as one must desire change for it to happen!   

Bi-Polar Disorder has to be managed for life, but there is an upcoming solution for it that I have elaborated upon below. 


Just like with any family all the are siblings that originate from the same parents, and have had equal benefits such a home life, food and education equally they all have a different future at the end, some settle early in life & some take a long time.

The same applies to Bi-Polar Disorder, the treatment for each patient is unique and the time it takes to stabilize can be quick if supported unconditionally by the family.

Such a perfect situation does not really happen as there is a pre-defined label upon the person with the disease & quite often in their rush to get a cure (still in their head) time-frames get blurry. 

If one needs for their relative to never unleash the beast within them, then they need to first remove the patient from the present environment where they are not judged and allowed a relief from being in survival mode so that they may open up to the treatment further.

It is to be noted that Bi-Polar Disorder can be diagnosed as many other diseases such as Schizophrenia, ADHD, etc. as when the family approaches a psychiatrist they only elaborate upon certain incidents as they are themselves exhausted.  

Only after multiple visits and several doctor changes does the family painfully realize the patterns of elongated mood swings from elated highs maybe silent periods of numbness and perhaps depressive moments as well. 

During this journey of trying to find the solution but only worsening the problem for themselves they try to even self-medicate the person in question, the family is bitterly  drained emotionally, mentally beyond forgivness and are also damaged from within separately., thus society accepts their frustrations projected externally, The Family also should also seek counselling specially CBT for themselves so that they may resume their orginal true selves and come out from the state of mind that has exhausted them beyond frustration. It takes Two hands to clap!


Due to erratic emotions that last for quite elongated periods of time, the physical toll on the patient's  own central nervous system and especially heart and blood pressure are immense (stress over the years)

Many other medical conditions & problems that could be life threatening can possibly occur later on in life. The list of future problems should only be consulted with a licensed Medical Health Care professional.

The family can only do so much, containing this disease and harnessing the wild mood-swings is entirely upon the patient!

The Family needs to forgive itself! The Patient needs to accept the reality!


In February 2024 a LinkedIn connection Deven Patel from Sandiego CA (USA) trusted me & invested in me & became my first client in 2024 - Giostar.

Giostar headquartered in San Diego, California, USA founded by Deven Patel and Dr. Anand Srivastava has developed a universal donor “O” negative RED BLOOD CELLS (disease free blood) that can be administered to anybody at any time without need of blood 🩸 group/type matching thus providing relief to the healthcare system that is dependent upon human donated blood for medical purposes. 

The success stories from patients past and present depict that this company will do wonders in medical science and also can provide treatment for Bi-Polar Disorder. 

GIOSTAR Chairman, Dr. Anand Srivastava, the man behind the entire stem cell science field is known in the scientific and medical circles as the father of modern Stem cell science.

Their facilities in the USA, Mexico, Costa Rica, India are one of the several more facilities planned that include but are not limited to London, Dubai etc. They are accepting investors as they are about to touch IPO status!

Before I take on a client, I do in-depth research on them from every aspect.  Under NDA I was subjected to information that I can openly state, that confirmed throgh reasearch data and facts all confirmed by the AMA  and medical bodies around the world. which confirm their statement of being able to perform miracles in the world of Medical Science.

Giostar has developed a universal blood type that can be administered to anybody at any time thus providing relief to the healthcare system that is dependent upon clean blood for medical purposes. 

The success stories from patients past and present further depict a reality before us that this company will do wonders in medical science and also can provide treatment for Bi-Polar Disorder. 

As I was and am a patient of Bi-Polar Disorder myself, this was my main motivation for taking them on as clients as every bit of information I had been through was only fact and documented evidence that i cross-referenced across many platforms.

The pattern that I came across was not a one hit wonder success story.  The key to success has been their humble approach to being pioneers decades ago at UCLA Berkley and then striving to perfect the technology.  

Giostar only delivered a documented proven track record through clinical trials over many years that it's focus is the science, rather than entirely the business mobel of the business.  The Stem cell pioneers now hae the approval & acceptance by multiple medical approval bodies across the world! - Their paperwork was and is legitimate and honest! Nothing dubious on any front came forth at all in all my research!

Dr. Anand Srivastava, the man behind the whole science is known in the medical circles as the father of Stem-Cell therapy.

Their facility in Ahmedabd, India is one of several more upcoming facilities planned, that include but are not limited to London, Dubai etc. They are accepting investors as they are about to touch IPO status!

For any commercial aspects with regard to Giostar in the APAC-ASEAN Region - please send a direct email


  • Mr. Deven Patel - CEO - Founder, & President - Giostar, CA., USA
  • Dr. Anand Srivastava - Founder - Giostar, CA., USA
  • Dr. Spain Uneanong - Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand,
  • Dr. Arthith Kukreja  - Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand,
  • Dr. Siddick Maudarbocus (CEO) - Les Mariannes Wellness Sanctuary - Maurititus
  • Dr. Faisal Mamsa – Karachi, Pakistan
  • A very personal thank you to all the Bumrungrad Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand, & their team for everything in our personal & professional relationship you have always gone above and beyond what is expected of you!
APOLOGY & AMENDMENT / ADDITION! - (20th August 2024)
I owe a lot of gratitude to the following two doctors as well, who have supported me above and beyond unconditionally, on my continuing journey to recovery.
  • Dr. Mohammad Hanif Mesiya - Aga Khan University Hospital- Karachi, Pakistan 
  • Brig. (R) Dr. Shoiab Ahmed - H.O.D. Psychiatry- Dow Medical University - Karachi, Pakistan  

If you would like to talk more in dept – do reach out!

Stay Blessed & Good Luck! If you need any help, I would be honored to have a consultation with you formally!

Hit me up and let’s be professional friends! - I really hope we can do something wonderful together to appreciate each other’s professional lives! -

(Do check out my LinkedIn profile.!  Please see my endorsements & professional recommendations) 

Please share this Blog post with your network!

For a direct consultation please contact me via e-mail